The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
26 October 2011
Fantasy becomes reality
24 October 2011
48hrs to go
Sort it out QM or step aside and let a young bull sort it out.
*** Press Release: Team QUON Olympic Sprint World Championshsips

Team QUON Olympic Sprint World Championships
QUONlo Cycle Arena, Saturday October 21
The second running of this event featured easily the strongest field seen in a Canberra cycling event for many years. A cramped local calendar saw a clash with the Corin Classic cycling event, but no self-respecting QUONner should ever do a real race on the weekend anyway.
The visionary format was designed for the sort of spectacular racing not usually seen at QUONlo (the CCC would be well served to copy and implement it themselves). It is based on teams of 4 made up of an A grader, B grader, C grader, and a D grader (or Paddy). With teams racing off pursuit style in an Olympic Sprint format.
The racing as expected was amazing, giving the other stunned track users a close-up lesson in Euro-lactic style racing. On such days of pure sporting elegance and power it is easy to see why the track was named after Team QUON.
After a qualifying round and 2 semi-finals, the first place race off was between Uncle Halvo's barbie dolls (Halvo/Spud/Robobo/Cuddles) and the Lactic snot bubbles Uber/QM/GTE/Gary Codkin). With Halvo making short work of it and leading his babes to the quickest time of the night (6:37), destroying a team badly hand-picked by the QM himself.
The last place race off saw Mongo tort me everything i no (Liam/Stomps/LBF/Walks) forced to skull beers due to a crushing loss at the shaved legs of Mitchi luvs Myfie (Beagle/Mouldy/Rads/Paddy) a team badly hampered by a below par Beagle.
The other 2 teams were so lacklustre they deserve no mention.
Best and fairest: Cuddles as the only member of the winning team not on a free Trek bike.
Worst effort: LBF for beer drinking performance issues.
No shows: Scotty Rocks and Tandoori (no wonder there is an Elder’s re-evaluation process currently going on).
21 October 2011
18 October 2011
The QUON's Dark Horse in 2011
A New Breed of QUON Master has emerged.
The Spring Carnival is here and whilst 2011 is seen a season of Redemption for Team QUON,
its leader was seen on Caulfield Cup day riding a different type of horse amongst the fillies.
In a year already defined and marked by QUONtroversy, its leader is coming back into form and is being groomed as the Dark Horse of the QUON in 2011.
Dark Horse:
n. a person with known potential
n. rough and boisterous
n. a unit measurement of power or rate of doing work, in imperial system defined as 550 foot pounds per second (Equal to 745.7 watts)
Canberra Bilby's - My First Ironman (By Jason Pye)

14 October 2011
QM vows to rid of all riders sitting in
Red Hills anyone?
13 October 2011
A friendly reminder to all TQ
11 October 2011
The Fun Police
05 October 2011
Sparks were flying at the Wednesday World Champs