Congratulations to Paul Smith and Michael Bulters for their respective efforts in picking up the coveted CCC Criterium Champions jersey for their grades!
Smuppy (pictured above), pulled off a fantastic effort in winning his C grade title given that he is currently riding a cyclocross bike with a 49 tooth front chain ring!
By the same token, Mick Bulters (pictured at the top) was just magnificent in demoralising the B grade field in the final lap. Micky B took off with half a lap to go and was never headed. His sit down sprint was just too much for the chasing field to overcome.
Congratulations and wear your champions jerseys with pride!
What is the name of the guy standing in front of Paul?
Oh my GOD, I can't believe you idiots feel like you've got anything to be proud of. 2 Club Champions whoop de do. I doubt they'll have jerseys big enough to fit your fat guts. What Club? Who cares? learn to ride and respect the code of the road, you illiterate goons. Get a job whilst you're at it.
Fat guts? Have you seen Mick or Smup lately (or ever?) - they have to run around under the shower to get wet! And I am fairly sure that they ar both gainfully employed unlike your two shifts a week as a sandwich artist at Subway.
Dedicated cyclist...I bet you're not as dedicated as me. I shave my undercarriage silky smooth to counter wind resistance in the event that any gets through my Quon or T-Mobile kit...now THAT is dedicated.
Rads' Nads - kicking arse, taking names (well, chceking out buttocks at least)
Is that a hair hat that Micky B is wearing?
Not a hair hat, his chest hair migrated north. Mick is overflowing with testosterone.
Good work Damo...sorry I mean dedicated cyclist
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