2) I wasn't keen to partner PRESTON. Now I hear he is in a Team of Six, thanks for telling me!
3) I was supposed to race the ANGRY DOCTOR, it sounds pretty SCARY.
4) I wanted to get the kit order moved forward, yes the new stuff is on ORDER....sorry Elders.
Have a speedy recovery Skin & Bones, those gloves I promised are ready and waiting.
Nice product placement with the bottle in the first shot. No fine forthcoming.
it was duelly noted that the ambo was ginga. Pysie was ahead of his time.
ScottyRocks in a six man, you are getting soft!
Typical bloody roadie!
Do the time on the dirt - rubber side down - and then I will consider you to be my partner.
Until then, I will only ride with you in training.
Mend well
good try, but scottyrocks has always told us never, ever hide behind the 'anonymous' tag!
Nice excuse to blow the green whistle - but I suppose he's already got the physique of an opiate addict. Tell me, if someone that skinny gets road rash, does his whole leg just scrape right off? Get well soon mate, hopefully they'll install a bionic leg/lung.
Sime, can you speak in movie quotes please. Much easier to understand. Thanks Scott and Paul
The Magnificent Seven (1960)
Vin: "Never rode shotgun on a hearse before."
I dunno. I got nothin'
"are those real titties"
That quote would be from "Las Vegas Vacation" starring Adam Sandler and Chevy Chase. About 1991 or 1992.
I am not sure if I should use a ' or " to identify the movie title. bigdog or marty, anyone.....anyone?
Can't be too hurt, still has his sunglasses on. Wanker
Hey Non Non, whilst he was waiting for an ambulance for over an hour, he was looking into the SUN. He was not moved as his injuries were unknown. Thanks for your concern you TOSSER!
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