The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
30 November 2009
27 November 2009
24 November 2009
Barf-O-Rama Wednesday
Gordie: ...the main guy of the story is a fat kid that nobody likes named Davie Hogan.

Vern: Like Charlie Hogan's brother. If he had one.
Chris: Good Vern. Go on, Gordie.
Gordie: Well this kid is our age but he's fat. Real fat. He weighs close to one-eighty. But you know, it's not his fault. It's his glands.
Vern: Oh yeah, my cousin's like that, sincerely. She weighs over three hundred pounds! Supposed to be Hyboid Gland or something. Well, I don't know about any Hyboid Glands, but what a blimp! No shit. She looks like a Thanksgiving turkey. And you know this one time...
Chris: Shut up, Vern.
Vern: Yeah, yeah, right. Go on, Gordie, it's a swell story.
If you know the story, you have the key to unlock B Grade success tomorrow night.

23 November 2009
only 36 hours until relief and redemption
The DOMinator only has 36 hours of the shit slinging remaining.
We then enter the 'Day of Love', where peace and redemption can be achieved.
I am sure he will be wiser in the 4th round.........no, I really really believe that!
We then enter the 'Day of Love', where peace and redemption can be achieved.
I am sure he will be wiser in the 4th round.........no, I really really believe that!
22 November 2009
Johnny Drama says "It's ok to be dorky...and a little bit gay"
20 November 2009
Customs seize fake Colnago frames, disrupt major smuggling ring

Customs officers in Perth have seized counterfeit Colnago frames with an estimated street value of more than $10 million.
The fake Colnago frames were sent via post from China in eight different consignments over the past four months. All were addressed to a certain address in Yarralumla, you know.
The frames, which are painted in traditional Colnago colours and look like carbon fibre but are actually made from lead.
The Customs Minister says the importers could face civil action from the Colnago company but they have given an undertaking to stop importing the goods. Law enformcement agencies are currently holding a balding and whimpering Yarralumla man, with a sniffle, and expect to lay charges later today.
The fake Colnago frames were sent via post from China in eight different consignments over the past four months. All were addressed to a certain address in Yarralumla, you know.
The frames, which are painted in traditional Colnago colours and look like carbon fibre but are actually made from lead.
The Customs Minister says the importers could face civil action from the Colnago company but they have given an undertaking to stop importing the goods. Law enformcement agencies are currently holding a balding and whimpering Yarralumla man, with a sniffle, and expect to lay charges later today.
17 November 2009
Welcome to 'Clap Wednesday'
Todays Life Lesson
The Day of Love (TM)

Wednesday's in QUON folklore is deemed to be 'The Day of Love (TM)'.
The QUON Master has decreed that the Day of Love (TM) should come a day early this week.
Team QUON wishes our surprisingly big blog audience a wonderful 2 days of love.
We will obviously still spank your asses in the crit tomorrow, as we usually do - but with some extra love this week.
13 November 2009
Do I Look Too Gay In This?
12 November 2009
New entry into the Book of Shadows - Bird Flu
10 November 2009
Miss Manners

Boys, when I was at at school Miss Manners took me aside and told me that good manners cost nothing. She also did a few other unmentionable things to me, and very soon was no longer at the school. But that is another story. This brings me on to the subject of crits.
It is good manners to let your fellow teammates know if you are unable to race at that weeks crit. You committed to race crits so pull your finger out and get there or have a damn good excuse.
From this week you will be fined if you fail to send an email to the Dribble explaining why you cannot turn up. Don't just tell someone to tell someone else because you are too scared, like a freakin little 3rd grader. I don't care if you have to make 3000 donuts, or lay a slab, or play first trumpet in a travelling band. As long as you let us know.
Fail to heed these words and you will be named and shamed from this week onwards.
That is all.
09 November 2009
Liverpool Hospital. The QUONs home away from home.

In breaking news Team QUON has announced that it has secured the site for it's interstate headquarters. This new facility will allow for its members to rest up after mountain bike events so that they can be at their peak for the grueling season of up coming summer races.
NSW Ambulance Service has won the contract to provide direct flights for team members after events held around the Wingello State Forrest as part of a new sponsorship arrangements.
06 November 2009
04 November 2009
03 November 2009
Not since Dean Jones' Australian cricket Boards contact was stamped "NEVER TO TOUR AGAIN" has Australian seen the despicable act of shunning one if its great sportsman.
This weeks announcement of the QUON's Teams and respective grade captains will forever been known as the DEAN JONES SCANDAL, and will always been seen as a black mark that the QUON will have to bare.
Scottyrocks has refused to comment on his demotion from Capatin. I am unaware whether he was given the respectful tap on the shoulder or not, but the founder and leader of some of the greatest leadout trains in history and most successful team captain since the inception of Team QUON did not feature with a (c) behind his name when the teams were announced yesterday.
In opposing corners, Jason Pye, Randwick and Simon Johnston, with 6 races between them in the 2008/2009 season have been shown more faith and support by the Elders. And not since the ginga superstar was promoted to captain of the mighty Hawks has a leap of faith been demonstrated.
Elders.....please explain!
This weeks announcement of the QUON's Teams and respective grade captains will forever been known as the DEAN JONES SCANDAL, and will always been seen as a black mark that the QUON will have to bare.
Scottyrocks has refused to comment on his demotion from Capatin. I am unaware whether he was given the respectful tap on the shoulder or not, but the founder and leader of some of the greatest leadout trains in history and most successful team captain since the inception of Team QUON did not feature with a (c) behind his name when the teams were announced yesterday.
In opposing corners, Jason Pye, Randwick and Simon Johnston, with 6 races between them in the 2008/2009 season have been shown more faith and support by the Elders. And not since the ginga superstar was promoted to captain of the mighty Hawks has a leap of faith been demonstrated.
Elders.....please explain!
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