Boys, when I was at at school Miss Manners took me aside and told me that good manners cost nothing. She also did a few other unmentionable things to me, and very soon was no longer at the school. But that is another story. This brings me on to the subject of crits.
It is good manners to let your fellow teammates know if you are unable to race at that weeks crit. You committed to race crits so pull your finger out and get there or have a damn good excuse.
From this week you will be fined if you fail to send an email to the Dribble explaining why you cannot turn up. Don't just tell someone to tell someone else because you are too scared, like a freakin little 3rd grader. I don't care if you have to make 3000 donuts, or lay a slab, or play first trumpet in a travelling band. As long as you let us know.
Fail to heed these words and you will be named and shamed from this week onwards.
That is all.
I won't be racing this week Pauly, I am too fat and will be eating the required amount of donuts to fill my gunt.
That is all.
I am not racing this week either Smithy.
You can all go and F@CK YOURSELVES
Hey Guys!
cheking nur um Hallo zu sagen!
Warum hasst ihr einander so sehr, an diesem Tag der Liebe?!?
Ich liebe Cam, Yum Yum!
He Listiger German Chick, ich mag die Art, wie Sie die Dinge sagen, die Sie tun. Ich bin auch deutsch, und ich würde lieben, Ihnen ein Wegreiben bald zu geben.
Ich verwende alle guten Spielsachen.
Ich spreken ze Detektiv
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