And it aint ginga friendly.
Bring your A game,
We all know Randwick will!
The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
Patty ceased a rear hub, sending him back to the rum tent early but stayed upright for most of the day, while Trevor played with his tire pressure, cleat position and helmet straps the entire duration of the race before pulling the pin early. He did manage some very sexy maneuvers in Wombat Gully and the ‘ol grey fox has still got plenty of style to demonstrate when he wants.
Beer consumption greatly affected the SKID OFF with first time mountain biker Brad Davidson stealing the show with his big arms and side ways drift.
As the dust settled on Uli’s black 4WD for the first time since it rolled from the show room, the cards were dealt and Andrew Hearne, from the South Coast Single Speed Chapter cleaned the table with 2 pair – Aces and Kings to win the day and the title of the 2010 Orana Moon Poker Champion.
The Rock was the highest ranked QUONer, and the Junior event was won by McKensie Davidson.
The sun set to the sound of belly flopping men in the dam.
The beer was cold, and it was good.