Australia Day 2010 at Orana Moon was truly blessed with sensational summer weather, awesome kids, the WAGS of the QUON, cold beer and good times.
As a QUON event, it wouldn’t be official if there wasn’t some element of QUONtraversey; and the multiple short cuts taken, the lap counter getting bored and opting for the shade and the full esky, and blind lust that the WAGS of the QUON have for the Rock ( the WAGS were the judges of the Skid Off), the QUONtroversy was rife. As for the Single Speeders – we looked awesome, rode our bikes like style-cats, and smashed all the obstacles that stood in our way. There is no doubt that the Single Speeders dominated the racing.
The Kids of the QUON stole the show however. Callum Hicks and his red Colnago, complete with red training wheels showed us all of the bling that living in Yarralumla requires. Luis and Miguel DaSilva showed us all that style is contained in your DNA, so too is the different beat that Charlie Spratford rolls with; attitude like that cannot be taught! Riley, Paige or Blake Rock didn’t fall once, infact the entire kids race seemed injury free despite a lot of close calls. The smiles were priceless and their energy should be bottled. 
QUONers and guests had to tackle 'Y&J' in the time trial to qualify for the handicapped cross country race which was to follow. The day started with Patty rubbing dirt on Uli’s wheels to welcome the style master and introduce his bike to the dirt. Marty was late (no surprise there) and Bigdog classically burnt a hole in his tire and tube by his exhaust on the way out. McFly showed us the text book in single speeding. He looked awesome with his long socks, baggy shorts and retro jersey; came complete with a pretty girl on his arm; and hit every obstacle and railed every berm. It was pretty to watch and an inspiration to us all.
The cross country consisted of a 2, 3, 3.5 or 4 lap circuit depending on how much you winged or carried on. The course was marked poorly, however it added to the variety of the Orana Moon trails. Not that it affected Wayno’s sense of direction any – the guy has none and I am genuinely concerned about his ability to stay on the crit track every Wednesday night. The Rock railed every jump, bridge and obstacle that lay on the trail and showed no signs of weakness after his last effort on the dirt. Either that or the fact that he observed plenty of open paddocks on the way in, and realized that the Southcare Helicopter had heaps of landing options to take him back to Liverpool Hospital.
Smuthy’s love child borrowed his Dads bike and did the entire day on a cyclo-cross bike. Randwick showed what A Grade miles can produce and despite a couple of falls, ended the day as a very happy adolescent.
Patty ceased a rear hub, sending him back to the rum tent early but stayed upright for most of the day, while Trevor played with his tire pressure, cleat position and helmet straps the entire duration of the race before pulling the pin early. He did manage some very sexy maneuvers in Wombat Gully and the ‘ol grey fox has still got plenty of style to demonstrate when he wants.
Beer consumption greatly affected the SKID OFF with first time mountain biker Brad Davidson stealing the show with his big arms and side ways drift.
As the dust settled on Uli’s black 4WD for the first time since it rolled from the show room, the cards were dealt and Andrew Hearne, from the South Coast Single Speed Chapter cleaned the table with 2 pair – Aces and Kings to win the day and the title of the 2010 Orana Moon Poker Champion.
The Rock was the highest ranked QUONer, and the Junior event was won by McKensie Davidson.
The sun set to the sound of belly flopping men in the dam.
The beer was cold, and it was good.
I didn't die!
Its a F@%$ing miracle!
Well done Andrew, you just can't sit on your victory, it's a hectic year ahead with numerous red carpet events that must be honored with your presence, speeches to be made, I would like to wish you all the best.
A's and 9's.
This event may be sanctioned as a pro-tour event next year. Well done SWP and family.
Fines galore!
Plenty of Rookies did not appear on the official results meaning big money penalties for their sponsors.
No QM either. There must be some fine imposed, after all, how can we have a Quon event without our Quon Master?
Always a pleasure to ride at the Moon. Might have to get myself back out for a real ride real soon.
Four time World MTB Champion Julien Absalon has approached the UCI since the Orana Moon Poker Championships recieved Pro-Tour status. Julien has indicated a deep seated desire to attend the 2011 addition of this classic event. However due to Juliens pathetic sense of direction the UCI has requested the entire course be bunted both sides and directional arrows every 10m. It was also mentioned that due to the Quon riders incessant need to cheat the bunting should be electrified. "That should stop those poofter roadies" the chairman was heard at the conclusion of the press conference.
Thanks must go to the Mayor of Prestonville for putting on an outstanding event and further thanks to his lovely wife Lara for allowing such sillyness to take place at all.
However it was a little distressing to see the majority of bikes being gearded on the single speed holy grounds that is Orana Moon. We can only hope these offending QUON riders (you know who you are!)see the light and discard all gear changing mechanisms.
Well done must go to outgoing Poker Champion of 2009 Patty who managed to stay upon his stead this year, this obviously cost him the chance of taking back to back titles. Still he was an outstanding champion.
Until Australia Day 2011 comes around I will endeavour to uphold the many responsibilities of the 2010 Orana Moon Poker Champion and once again thankyou to all the other competitors for making it an outstanding day.
For those of you who left early the standing part was becoming increasingly difficult for the Mayor of Prestonville as the sun set over the plains of Hoskinstown.
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