With a touch of pink and a bucket load of speed, skill, talent and modesty Team QUON's own 'QUONosurs' have taken out the teams competition in the CCC criterium series. Yet again Team QUON has proved far too dominant for the remainder of the Canberra cycling population. 

Better luck next year guys.
Missed out on the Overall prize again eh?
Better luck next year guys.
the only thing the quon should get a medal for is pushing in and claiming positions that were not theirs. Prime example that E grader who came 9th trying to claim 4th then getting 6th. Prime example number 2 that guy you call randwick. Came 5th and claimed 2nd. Thats the only reason he 'won' the individual pointscore. The quon in 3 words: FILTHY CHEATING SCUM.
Do the math dickhead....
If Randwick came 5th he still won! ahahahaha..... stiff shit!
Kleenex tissues anyone?
Lets just build a bridge, blow our noses, wipe away our tears and learn how to ride like the QUON.......................
and truly, together we can just ride over it.
Robbed blind in the finish chute said...
Hello Vinney
I burgled in D then C and made it to B, then had to C****. I'm the best ever i'm so good yeah!!!
It was hard to see riders burgling in the lower grades as my head was firmly wedged up my own arse.
you guys just don't get it do you? Its all about quantity not quality. 80+ riders is what is needed to win. Bike Culture No.1 Read this and weep
The QUON is far greater than Bike Culture. We have pride, we have laughs and we race like men. I scored points last night and I plan to score pussy this weekend. BOOM!
You may ridicule me, hack shit on me, make fun of me, but I don't care. I love randwick and someday i'm going to have a 3 up with him and his stalker
where the f*@k is everyone? I've got half a flagon of sherry and no quon in sight? We won the series didn't we?
God damn i'm hard over the Quon. Such a good bunch of guys, such great athletes. I'm harder than chinese f#@king algebra! Wheres the biatches????
Speaking of quality over quantity - appears that the Bike Shed owned you too.... check out the points per rider... OUCH
Is it to late for us to change the A grade finshing order? I didn't know you could do that.....
Handicapper can you please change finshing order to the following
1 Tom Palmer Bike Shed 3 (20 points)
2 Michael Phelan Bike Shed 1
3 Joe Lewis Bike Shed 1
4 Adam Phelan Bike Shed 1
5 Daniel McConnell
6 Jeremy Ross Ride Shop
7 Graeme Allbon MACT A
8 Michael Bulters QUONbelievable
9 Stuart Shaw Bike Shed 1
10 Brad Morton
Hi Stu
The real DOMinator said,
Do yourself a favor, get yourself a Zazzle T-Shirt with the DOMinator on it while stocks last, the girls will LOVE it.
There was a handicapper?
Yeah, he was the person responsible for dropping Potholes down to B Grade 12 hours before the Club Champs so he could lead out Brendan Savage.
So PLEEEEAAAASSSEEEE, don't start sooking about what is unfair.
I'm starting a new team for next year, but first I'd like to find out what type of cockamayme team competition is being run so that I can stack our riders in one or two grades lower than they should be to be on the same level as team qounurglar. At least last season most of the burgs had to start in the grade they finished in. Then they either farked off back to trihardathlon or put in.
grading - yawn
burglars - yawn
whingers - yawn
different year same shit.
club racing, have fun, take the piss.
don't like it fcuk off or step up and run it/handicap/direct it yourself.
I can say that now.
Good work to those who pulled it together for another season. You know who you are.
Any of you ball grabbing, scrotum shaving, d*ck pulling, ego stroking bean counters ever thought how much time and effort goes into pulling this shit together every week over the summer? Shut up and move on.
Our handicapper was equally incompetent for all teams.
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