According the ACT Parks & Wildlife Service representative, who asked not to be named, the socks appear to have been recently deposited next to a large steaming mass of nard, and have an unmistakeable odour of Beef Vindaloo. It is clear that the socks were one day virgin white, but now exhibit a hue of brown only seen within your toilet bowl.
Anyone missing a pair of socks is asked to contact ACT Parks & Wildlife Service.
Obviously it isn't clarkey. Size small socks as well
Tip for the kids at home: If you forget to take som loo paper out on your long run, your undies will suffice as a substitute.
DNA tests have confirmed that a soiled under shirt found "just a little bit furthur down the road" is in fact from the same individual.
However it can be confirmed that the said individual is not wanted in relation to urinating on a police officer. An investigation is occouring into this incident which happened at around the same time. If you have any information, please call crimestoppers on 1800 BIG FLOG
Man this gives me the shits! Oh wait, too late...
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