The ride was sweet, the views were spectacular and the company was golden. Gerard the One Eyed Giant made it back on the bike after finally finding feeling in his dick after the Araluen Pub explosion; Timmy Hunter surfaced from the Trident wilderness; and Rocks mate showed us a thing or two about riding single track. The Fireman struggled to find his mojo and McFly dodged and weaved the puddles like a pro. Patty grunted and snorted his way to the top, only to lead the procession down Magpie(less) Rock in true fat man form. Christopher Wilson wiggled his bum and shrugged his shoulders with all the rhythm of a hip-hop dancer whilst Trevor owned the only casualty for the night - his back tire, tube and wheel had relationship and commitment issues.
Please note - no BoW, and no Martin Boyd in the photo. Their entries into the BOOK OF SHADOWS will be in bold text.