The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'. Though the Winter Solstice lasts only an instant in time, the term is also colloquially used as Midwinter or the time when the QUON ride mountain bikes and drink beer. More evident to those in high latitudes, this occurs on the shortest day, and longest night, and the sun's daily maximum position in the sky is the lowest. The seasonal significance of the Winter Solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days. Depending on the shift of the calendar, the Winter Solstice occurs on December 21 or 22 each year in the Northern Hemisphere, and June 21 at QUONlo.
Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied from culture to culture, but most cultures have held a recognition of rebirth through gatherings, rituals or celebrations. Members of the QUON meet at QUONlo at 7pm on the night of the Midwinter, ride their mountain bikes then proceed to drink cold beer carried in their back packs. It gives an opportunity for the weak to become strong, and the shallow to find resolve.
After all; it is tradition.
SWP, have you got the date rightbthis year?
Just get your bike ready poofter.
See you at 7pm.
Do you think the Winter Solstice is that powerful?
If McDuff and Simi ride, will they find inner strength?
Will they find resolve?
Will their mummies let them drink beer?
Why are they Quon members again?
December 21? Don't we usually celebrate Dodger's birthday on that date because it falls somewhere near there? Maybe Rads can organise a cake and singalong for him on Dec 21 this year.
so what's happening on Monday?
Doesn't shane Radnell usually jump out of a cake for dodger?
Last year Shane baked a cake, nuded up and proceeded to rub the cake all over his hairy body.
Dodger liked it, and licked Shane clean.
The Rock gave Dodger a firm handshake. Dodger loved it.
Will the absent QM be in there, do we have a QM, is this part of the 5 point plan. Who is in control, WTF is happening to the QUON.
Is Rads the guy that always turns up in Hincapie kit. Is he in the QUON anymore?
I don't care about this crap.
All QUONers are required to ride their mountain bikes, Monday June 21, 7pm QUONlo.
Very simple. Bring 2 beers.
I will be there. All this talk of Rads and cake makes me queasy. I like boys who like beer though. But I don't think Randywick has a mountain bike. Can he ride someone else?
I will ride the QUON Stalker.
Randwick, your not old enough for that yet
Does anyone apart from the hillbilly from nowhere really care about mountain biking?
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