The pushmi-pullyu (pronounced "push-me-pull-you") is an "gazelle-unicorn cross" which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body. When it tries to move, both heads try to go in opposite directions, (thanks wikipedia). This is a character created and made famous by Hugh Lofting in his book Dr Dolittle. This trait is very similar to our newest QUONabee - Br B-Rads. One day he wants to be a QUONer, the next day he does not. One day he is committed, the next day he has no bike, no money, but a big house and a big over sea's holiday debt.
It is ironic that the name - Dr Dolittle - is exactly what B-Rads has done.
He has 'done-little', and his sponsor Tonii has now resigned to the fact that his bitch will 'do-little' for the QUON this season.

If he wants in - he must impress the Ministry of QUONabees one day in September