The pushmi-pullyu (pronounced "push-me-pull-you") is an "gazelle-unicorn cross" which has two heads (one of each) at opposite ends of its body. When it tries to move, both heads try to go in opposite directions, (thanks wikipedia). This is a character created and made famous by Hugh Lofting in his book Dr Dolittle. This trait is very similar to our newest QUONabee - Br B-Rads. One day he wants to be a QUONer, the next day he does not. One day he is committed, the next day he has no bike, no money, but a big house and a big over sea's holiday debt.
It is ironic that the name - Dr Dolittle - is exactly what B-Rads has done.
He has 'done-little', and his sponsor Tonii has now resigned to the fact that his bitch will 'do-little' for the QUON this season.

If he wants in - he must impress the Ministry of QUONabees one day in September
Fuck him off. I want back in!
I do more by doing nothing then you ever will Big flop!!!
Br Dolittle or Br yes-no-yes.
Either way I think it stinks. I had to do the hard yards!
Can we piss trumpet off while we are culling the deadwood?
Brother B Rads?
So you adopt the name of one of the Quon's biggest failures. I dunno if there is anything lower than a loser, butif there is this is it
You guys are all dicks, grow up would you.
What colour will you be wearing this year BRAD.
I don't think it will be blue.
Whatever colour you're NOT wearing...
He had a crack, got let in, now has to reapply? QM has lost direction, SWP has lost his mind.
Somebody save the QUON!
If you read his last email - I am not sure he wants to ride with us any more. B-Rads is the one who has lost his mind!
The QM is running a tight ship and I like it.
I wish I could run a tight ship, B-Rads ruined me!
Who would want to ride with a team who says you're in and then decides you're out! Where is the loyalty?
He indeed lost part of his mind, it's still laying on the road in Albury... I lost part of mie when I saw the blood he shed for the QUON
Lend me your bike please Br Asphalt. I don't have one.
If I had one I would ride my arse off for the quon.
Does anyone know if B-Rads has even rung scottyrocks like he has requested through email a number of times?
I spoke to him over the weekend and he hadn't heard from B-Rads, but he thought he still wanted in.
Preston may be a c*nt, but he is fair, and I think he has left the door open for him.
FOR GOD SAKE. I bought them dinner. I bought them vodka and beer. I laughed at their stupid jokes. I even wrote an Ode to BigDog as my homework (see below). Why I am I being forsaken?
Ode to BigDog
The dog was big one day, big enough to know the way
Could run and ride and probably swim, but how fast can you go with a double chin?
Then one day he stopped, and got really fat
Now doesn't fit into his QUON jersey, knicks and cap
A rule of the QUON is once in, always in..
Sometimes some do wear this rule thin
With the sh!t he dibbles incessantly, I'm surprised his run hasn't come to an end
I guess there are always iron on t-shirts to help buy some friends..
One acheivement worth noting, is his one and only worth quoting
Arising time and time again, clutching at straws say some men
A certain performance at IM South Africa
Saw the big dog finish ahead of the QM, as thin as a spatula
Hook, line and sinker is his famous cry
He even f*(kin' claims it when it doesn't apply
Straight to the deleted items is the outlook rule
No point reading anything from the self proclaimed king of literacy and grammar tool
After all thats said and done, the big dog has had a good run
Times gone by sure would have been fun
Loves bards' helicopter, a little too much he's since proved
Show your face a little more often, don't be a prude
Good to see you boys have my back when times are tough, wucking fankers.
Isn't it the sponsors responsibility to ensure their nominee is towing the line? When a nominee fails isn't it the sponsor who wears the scorn and kit burning?
If I'm correct does that mean I can heap shit on stomps again? Woopee!
Both stomps and b-rads are open game and should be open to public humiliation. Stomps should get his kick ripped off him and burnt as well. Aren't they the rulz.
We can confirm that Scottyrocks phone was indeed contacted by Br B-Rads 3 times over the previous 5 days. It appears there may be some fault in the wiring connecting Mordor and the real world
Don't blame me, it's the QM who started it all.... A**hole
No - there is plenty of love between the QM, Scottyrocks and Skeletor. I saw it with my own eyes only on Thursday - drinking beers and holding hands around the 'table of love'????
But they all hate Wayneo and Skin and Bones!!
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