No matter how smart you pretend to be, spelling smart words incorrectly is dumb.
Thanks for the heads up on this one big dog.
Big dog is very proactive in upholding the community to his standards of spelling and punctuation. His status as an ALUMNI of the Institute of Dictionaries is irrefutable.
vellow kanbra dot comm
dot aye yu
cheers cussi bro
I like boys who can spell. They make me all hot and sweaty. Nothing says loser more than spelling QUON incorrectly either. All the letters are big. Just like most of the QUON. Except for Rads' Nads, we all know they are miniscule. Even Randwick is larger and that is saying something.
QUON stalker also likes 'boyz' who can ride.
I only ride boys who ride
Some of you boys need to switch to low fat milk. Too much extra dollop is being drunk. Pot bellied QUON riders are becoming the norm.
Biggest Losers
Yeah, that randwick kid is a fat Sh!t. You should do something to help him out!
Dear DS Management
You can't drive a 9 inch nail with a tack hammer
Yes I can
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