05 November 2010

An Open Letter to "The Best a Man Can Get"

Dear The Best a Man Can Get,
Please do not bring your TT rig to the HoT on Fridays. You may well see Aaron Farlow riding his TT rig, but he actually pulls turns on the front and thus gains benefit from riding his TT rig. Sitting at 20th wheel with your hands on the bullhorns for 99% of the ride pretty much defeats the purpose of a TT bike. That, and the fact that TT bikes generally handle like lightweight, aerodynamic buckets of sh!t makes it extremely dangerous to ride in a bunch. It scares the crap out of the rest of us to see you wobbling away on that TT rig, so please - next HoT lets see you on your road bike.
Much love,


agreed said...

I actually think he was more stable on it than his roadie, until he had to change gears woooaaaaaahhh.

A hot rider said...

Like you have got bike riding skills. As they say those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. How about an open letter to the wankers who ride through red lights - much more dangerous.

mr squiggle said...

you can put me on a trike and i'll still wobble!

HoT Participant said...

Nah fuck Farlow he should be on the heaviest piece of shit roadie that he can find. the man is a machine!

Red light Runner said...

But i have to keep up, I can't been seen in the second pack. It hurts!!!

Anonymous said...

I can only assume you are talking about me... Mark Gillett because I think I'm the only other person to have been riding a time trial bike except Aaron Farlow. Are you too shy, pantsy or just whimpy to speak to me in person? You must be talking about the first half of the ride I suppose because there aren't too many quon riders around after about the half way point.

too shy and pantsy said...

yes. Just ride your roadie.

A high talker said...


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle said...

Wow Mark Gillette. You were able to deduce that we were talking about you. Was it the "Best a Man Can Get" comment, or was it the reference to the only other rider on a TT rig that isn't Aaron Farlow (i.e you)? With investigative prowess of that nature I think I could find you a spot in my next Sherlock Holmes story.

Here's a puzzler for you to work out. Why is it that no-one in the greater Canberra Cycling community wants to be anywhere near your wheel in a race or in the bunch?

Anonymous said...

Oh that cut me deep. I'm just so upset I have no idea what to do.
It would seem though that being anonymous is just like swallowing brave pills for someone like you. It's wonderfully quaint to read the funny little names you feel the need to use, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle indeed. What a well read little chappy you must be.

Corner 3 gutter from the Causeway said...

I still have nightmares about you Mark

sick of it all said...

The same goes for every non-QUON rider that rides with us on fridays - the Canberra Airport dudes, the guy on the yellow/white trek. If you want to ride with us, don't just sit on, roll through and pull your turn in style and grace. It is our ride - try the Friday bunch instead youd probably fit in better with those clowns

Just sayin' said...

If I go to Wayneeeeo's house for dinner and he asks me to take my feet off the table I do so - his house, his rules. If you go on someone elses bunch ride and they ask you not to ride your TT rig, common sense says you don't ride your TT rig!

Anonymous said...

If you think making derogatory comments about individuals on a public site like this is OK then you have clearly been sitting in front of your computer away from the real world for far too long.
I have absolutely no problem with being asked not to ride my tt bike on that ride but I do have a problem with the way I was asked and with the bitchy little anonymous comments such as the one from "agreed said" made.
If you want to ask a person to do or stop doing something try speaking to them like normal people do.

Paul Smith (greatest ever QM) said...

I have hardly ever done the HoT and don't know you from a bar of soap, but for gods sake - Who the hell rides their TT rig in a bunch ride?

Are your gear levers at the end of the extensions? I would presume not, as that would be incredibly moronic.

If you want to ride the TT rig, then go ride it by yourself. That is what they were designed for, unless you are a semi-pro big hitter like me, and are in the lead pack of an Ironman cheating your arse off.

If it was a Litespeed then that would be a different story.

Anonymous said...

Have seen a number of Quon "riders" on TT bikes during the HOT. Whats the diference between them and anyone else?