It is almost mountain bike season, and already we have a good start on the winter chapter of the Book of Shadows.
Some things change, and some things remain the same.
Trevor Hicks on why he couldn't stay on the single track
Excuse 1 - "I am running too much pressure in my front tyre."
Excuse 2 - "I haven't been on the mountain bike in 6 months."
Excuse 3 - "I am an A grade crit rider you know."
Rae Rogers on why she was dragging the chain
Excuse 1 - "I have had no sleep"
Excuse 2 - "I think I am coming down with a virus"
Excuse 3 - "I am the only one on a 26" bike why you guys are all on 29ers"
Bon Joxall on why he didn't ride today
Excuse 1 - "I am too fat!"
Mongo on why he wore sky blue knicks
Excuse 1 - "my cock looks good in this colour"
SWP on why he couldn't stay on his bike
Excuse1 - "I have not been training"
Excuse2 - "Too much Chinese last night, AGAIN"
Excuse3 - "I won't have to be in the 'FAST' team if i ride like a novice"
Mongo did look good in his aqua-coloured knicks eh!
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