August 19 will forever be known as the warm up event for the 2011 Xmas Shambles.
Bus departs tonight 6pm sharp from Nath Spillane's favourite drinking establishment in the Cittayy. Lets hope to god Brother Mouldy has taken to the wooly mammoth with a razor blade, and doesn't forget his spare sock. Shit is gonna go down.
Lets hope the beers are cold.
Fuck yeah
Oooooooohhhhhh. What's happening?!?!?!??!
I am excited!
to pay the rent..
We are all leaving the ACT on a bus. That makes it a road trip. Remember the code of the road boys.
Great to see you all last night boys. The girls (and some boys)are still taking about the eye candy on offer at the Royal last night. The QUON may have a cheers squad from the Bungendore Chapter this year.
Well done Mouldy. Whilst the G was a little dissapointing, and the timing was only an hour and a half short, good effort and well played.
Looking forward to the season ahead
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