There is only one HoT. It leaves the corner of Melrose and Hindmarsh Drive at about 6.00am every Friday after the old mans bunch rolls past.
Lately, there has been a second HoT bunch, commonly known as the 'Drop off and Swap Off' bunch. This is gay. Any QUONer found in this homosexual second bunch will then be named and shamed on the blog (if we had one).
HTFU, and have a dig with the boys up the front. Don't be a fag.
Much love as always,
A QUONcerned Team QUON
You Muppet. By that rationale anyone who isn't in the very front group at the top of Mugga way didn't do the HoT. Not everyone can contribute to the pace the whole way. If you get dropped do you just sit up and roll easy? No. You continue to have a crack with those around you that have also been dropped.
This post reeks of an over inflated ego. Maybe from someone who spent years in the lower grades but finally found form this year?
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