Despite older (not Elder) members of QUON running scared and choosing to travel interstate to participate in such gay (not that there's anything wrong with that) activities such as jelly wrestling, Event Two of the QUON Poinscore was a typically torrid affair.
Some - special mention to arguably the Greatest QUON Master Ever; Rock - ran their heart out fully knowing they would be backing up for the NSW Masters Championships road race that afternoon.
Others (no names Randwick) cheated themselves, the sport and, worst of all Team QUON. The horror. The horror. Back to X-Fit purgatory for you.
But the clear winner on the day, with five points was the QM. Uber, Team QUON salutes you. See what you can do when you start a race - winner winner chicken dinner.
Three cheers for the QM.
Other winners on the day were:
Terra (also arguably the Greatest QUON Master Ever): 5 points
Marty (arguably the Worst QUON Master Ever): 3 points
Rock: 2 points
Robbobo (second QUON ginga on the day): 2 points
DOMinator (aka Mr Ironman); 2 points
Randwick: minus 5 points. QUONbelievable.
You FKN idiots! Where is SCOTTYROCKS QOAM results?? This is the clearest example yet of the failed Youth Policy in action.
Haven't you heard? Wow, awkward...
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