A very average Shambles today; average in may respects.

Average Betty was disappointed!
Numbers were pretty average. The special guests was pretty average. Coffee - pretty average. Conversation was average in content and interest. The ride was average in length and the intensity was the same as all winter.
It might be a very lean season for the quon.
but the beer was good........
I don't know who average Betty is, and I am figuring the author of this post was riding a different ride to meas well.
The coffee at Cafe QUON was awesome; and served at the correct temperature.
Special Guest Billy Bennet was inspirational in his presence alone. The advice he gave to all will be treasured forever. (Bigdog was pretty average - I do agree)
The ride was Shambolic, and fast from the gun.
And apart from trumpet's usual dribble, the conversation was insightful and often comical.
This season will be the best yet for Team Quon
Paul Smith must be bored. 1st he posts the message, then replies to his own message. The only thing average about today was his silly panty hose
When the highs are so high, you must expect how lows can go.
You are correct - the quon boys are lean and didn't we look good last night.
There was plenty of fat boys on the track last night though. Some very ordinary results from our competition, but we expect that from you girls.
Perhaps the quons winter training needs to be displayed on the blog.
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