In his extraordinary debut for the greatest ever criterium racing team, Team QUON, Br Randwick locked horns and found new love with none other than one other than the Green (and now a little bit of red) Goblin himself. In what was really a shocking display of bike handling skills (or complete lack thereof) the Green Goblin took a nasty tumble (it is racing, you know), blamed Br Randwick and then had a sooky la la meow meow at Team QUON's very own Br Tonii.
Team QUON thanks the Green Goblin for the feedback and looks forward to chewing the fat (and dirt) next week, although we doubt he'll be sending any friend requests to Team QUON any time soon.
Wow- Josh took all the blame, yet he wasn't even in that race! That's what Team QUON is all about- sharing the love!!!
Well, it was Wednesday!
That's racing....
randwick should join me fore some skills sessions cos i need to practice pedalling through corners without clipping my pedal and causing riders to crash. always remember safety 1st
Clipping a pedal and stacking should mean automatic demotion to B grade. And then having to EARN a start back in the top flight by actually winning some points.
Jeez it was funny though!
Props to Randwick.
Hey, Green Golin' on Knobs: harden the fuck up. 'Rubbin's racin'."
Clipping your pedal, hitting the track and wrecking another set of team kit is a skill and should be praised not ridiculed.
Our QOAM holder has perfected the art. Sometimes he doesn't even need anyone around him!
Green Goblin,
You are a fucking sook. We are all men racing. I am sure that Ranwick didn't mean to put you on the ground.
Didn't you race E Grade last season anyway? You might be out of your depth in C grade mate.
Back to the drawing board.
Has anyone got some sad tissues? Think I need a cuddle.
How about I give you something to cry about.
I care not for something some no-body says about the QUON and two of it's finest looking members. You guys are still number 1 in my eyes.
Big flog, The pain train is coming your way. Choo Choo mutherf**cker. Choo Choo!
Well done to the "journalist" who took the Green Goblin and my conversation out of context. We were discussing a spat that he and Josh were having which had NOTHING to do with the crash.
Anonymous, You're not very anonymous,
Yours sincerely,
Anonymous, the context does not matter. The fact that he is badmouthing one of the QUON does. No one gets away with it.
Please pass on a message of speedy recovery. We wish the Green Goblin the best of luck in cycling - he obviously needs it.
I lay claim to the naming of The Green Goblin. I don't know who he is, nor do I care. He needs to put up or shut up. It's called racing, not holdsy handsys. Well done, Randwick: you get my first official vote for the John Howard Award. He didn't say sorry, either.
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