The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
27 November 2008
24 November 2008
23 November 2008
Corks Away! QUON dominating C grade.

20 November 2008
Coltrane releases first in series of QUON Tribute albums

Coltrane remarked "last night at QUONlo I was overcome, I was amazed and I was in awe"....as Coltrane began to quiver, he continued: "I was just so amazed by the unity, the willingness to sacrifice and the cohesion of this remarkable group of semi-professional athletes. All I can do is make my respect for the QUON known, so here goes, I guess".
With the smash hit single - "Can you feel the Pain of the Long Blue Vein" the new tribute series is tipped to dominate the airwaves for months.
Team QUON has not provided any comments on the unsolicited tribute series, however QUON spokesman SGT BIGDOG is delighted with the release, commenting that he might just make a return to the Criterium circuit, so he can be part of something worthwhile and lose the gunt that has rendered him unserviceable to the Canberra community for so long.
18 November 2008
17 November 2008
a sneak peak of a QUONers personal thoughts
16 November 2008
14 November 2008
13 November 2008
12 November 2008
The Green Goblin Stikes Again

After a flurry of delicately worded instructions from the 'on track marshal,' the Green Goblin knew the time was right and went about his business with true class and precision!
As Sparkman said, "Hold your FUCKING line." or piss off back to D grade
11 November 2008
Fine-gate Spread Its Ugly Tentacles
Wiff Wiffens, deputy head of the UCI Semi-Professional Team portfolio has commented on Cyclingnews.org, stating 'the lack of transparency with Team Quon is hurting the image of semi-professional cycling everywhere. They were a shining example of team work and love but now, with their new management team in place, an ugly spectre of corruption and under the table dealings has taken over. This has the potential to rock semi-professional cycling to its very core. It is not good'.
When will the team's management stand up and be counted. Rules are rules. When money changes hands twice it is one time too many. Let the MCA do his job free from the skeletons in other people's closets.
Let's clear this once and for all
10 November 2008
I'm Excited!

09 November 2008
08 November 2008
Look who just won't lie down - Sally Robbins out of the boat and on the bike

Sally "lay down" Robbins has finally decided to follow the lead of her all time hero, Mongo, and taken up cycling.
After lengthy mentoring sessions with the Yeti, in which he laid bare the sum of his cycling knowledge and skills, she had these comments in this Saturday's West Australian - "I still don't know much about tactics" she admitted (no surprise their given Mongo's performances over the past 2 years) and "I've ridden in two club meets and been in the mix all the way, but I still have to learn when and how to sprint properly" (see the CCC race results for the Yetis ability in the sprint - also being in a race does not mean you are mixing it - see Wayneo in last years C Grade races).
Sally - a small tip - cut the Yeti away, you are better off going to Big Dog for cycling tactics and information! Anyway good luck tonight when you race in the Perth Grand Prix
Br George
PS - by the way, if you do lay down on the track tonight, it will leave a mark!
07 November 2008
Where's the $$$ Rick
Beginners Guide to the HoT (TM)
The HoT (TM) is not a ride where you can sit in and get a free ride. You are expected to roll over and pull a turn every once in a while. If you don't want to pull a turn, stay at the back and stay out of the way.
If you want to take a position, it is not acceptable to point at a gap that is about half a wheel wide and pull in to said gap, causing everyone else to take evasive action.
To Boy George - we have no respect for a guy who pulls one soft turn all morning and then dominates the sprint. The HoT (TM) was designed to make the weak strong, and the strong stronger. Pull a freaking turn! Leave that sort of tactic for Wednesday or Thursday night, not in a training ride.
If you want to know how a newcomer should treat the HoT (TM), you need look no further than Andrew Circosta. Pulls turns at every opportunity, and then pulls again. A true champion.
That is all.
Peanut Butter anyone?

06 November 2008
Words from S&B
To those that have ridden before, welcome back to another season with Team QUON, for those that cannot be here we welcome you to and for those that are new to the QUON remember a few simple things,
When you suit up in the morning, or middle of the day (Smuthy)
When you don the blue and yellow, to go out for a play,
At the HOT or the shambles or just the morning bunch
And even if your in the presence of triathletes for some brunch.
On Wednesday’s at QUONlo, as the sun sets in the west
Prepare yourself for battle because the QUON they do detest.
They will come at you from left and right, cause hey we don’t conform,
To the roadie code of conduct, and from this the QUON did spawn.
Pull on your knicks with pride boys, and wear that jersey proud
You are a QUONer, and for that you’re well-endowed.
From the elders to the rookies, from the past to present day,
Let’s show all those who care to look, that we are here to stay.
In summing up the QUON’s about giving it a good hard go,
And sticking it to the establishment, cause we're here for the show
For Team QUON it’s not just about our performance on the bike,
It’s the beer, the Christmas Shambles and the dribble they dislike.
From the words of our patron, no Rad’s not Dodger, Rod Tidwell is the man
with whom the QUON has modelled itself from back when it began.
It’s the urn and the blogsite, and all the things we honour
That make up the ‘whole thing’ and makes a QUON a QUONer.
That is all.
Whilst there has been no formal announcement, it has been leaked that "react roofing" will be the naming rights sponsor of the Quon in the next era.
This will please the Quon greatly, as it will stop the lame excuses that we have endured in the first 2 weeks.

03 November 2008
Quon Master earns RESPECT
I am proud to announce that the QM has 're-engaged' and has single handedly guided the Quon on a direct path to World Domination!
The picture below will make SWP very proud for continuing in tradition and maintaining the core values of the Quon. Nice work Piece of.