The QUONs very own JOCKEY has let the cat out of the bag, his secret weapon is Peanut Butter. Some might ask why Peanut Butter, well according to the JOCKEY he has discovered away of enhancing his performance with the use of Peanut Butter. He would not go into full detail, but assures us all that Peanut Butter is the BIZ. Thanks for the HEADS UP!!
I love peanut butter! yum yum
tell us something new, I've been smearing PB on my cham for years. It also doubles as wrinkle remover, but only when you rub it on lots of times really fast.
Can't wait to hear the sniggers at Tridents swimming on Saturday arvo.
I could help him smear on the peanut butter. Only smooth though. Crunchy would be wrong.
i don't get it, how does peanut butter help the jockey's performance? if ingested often, he will gain weight subsequently reducing performance. however, if it is not ingested and simply applied to the skin...
wait a minute!!
makes the wrinkles go away?
i like where this is going jockey - please fill her, ah - us in on what you use it for?!
or was it fill him...
I like peanut butter on my McMuffin!
You "little man syndrome" boys should grow up and spend more time training and less time on hurting good people feelings.
You are pathetic - and so are your BICEPS
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