- The days until Smuppy's IM time is beaten
- The days until Trevor disgraces himself (again)
- The days until The Angry Ginga gets in to a fight at IM (again)
- The days until the QM is decided
- The days until Port Macquarie loses its innocence with the arrival of Team Quon
- The days until Rads has his next litre of Erdlinger
- The days until The Rock does his first real Road Trip
Trevor.....Oooohhhh lah lah
I am the fastest ever ACT competitor over the incredibly tough and iconic Forster course.
I did it as a young 28 year old, not a crusty over 30 like Thomo.
I am also the most ripped and best looking Ironman ever of any age, weight or sexual persuasion. Karen Pini was moist for me.
I looked like a greek adonis that night on the stage accepting your wild accolades.
I was a absolute inspiration, and was and still am much better than each one of you in every conceivable way and more. (buts hats off...)
Shouldn't that be 'Geek Adonis'?
And we all know what type of 'sexual persuasion'you are. Wanking off with Bigdog in a bathtub after you both DNF'd at South Africa!
The BAND will be back for IM 2010, who's in?
Ohhh Lala
I will back up again. 2010 will be my year. I reckon I might even finish one!
I am in. I have heard that Port Mac is a bee friendly city.
I would love to boys, but I don't work a 9 to 5 job you know. I had a look at the roster and I am working that weekend. But I do have an i-phone though, and yes, it is that good
MMMM did someone say Erdinger, HMMM the BAND reforming,
NAAA I'll stick with the fishing.
Timmy when are we heading out next?
When they tar my road, I'll be a coming back to Ironman you here me!
Is the band coming back together? If so, the Bigdog may be back too. I ran a 1:18 half marathon in my prime. Now a days I am leaner and meaner, and I can smash you all!
Hey Big Dog
Look down I'm still here fatso!
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