To the Squadra guys that ran the red light (at pace) in Woden nearly hitting the pedestrian and cyclist that had just got the green pedestrian light to cross - YOU ARE A BUNCH OF HUBBARDS!
Hodgey - maybe you could use some of the hard earned that these clowns give you on taking them to the kiddies traffic school in Belconnen!
Definition of a hubbard (urbandictionary.com):
An uncool, slow, unfashionable, annoying, awkward or stupid cyclist. Often identified by wearing a helmet that is more than 15 years old, poor judgement on the road or by the ridiculous cargo they carry on their bike. In a racing context hubbards are identified by having unshaven legs, riding a Giant or by an inability go round a corner with the peleton without almost causing a crash. Recumbent cyclists are automatically hubbards.
inability to go around a corner. Hmmmm.... who was that who fell off taking down multiple riders in the only crash of A grade around a corner in the first crit of the season?
I don't ride a giant. I do shave with the best a man can get though.
Dear stumped QUON historian,
It wasn't any QUON riders, if that is what you are suggesting. There were only two in that race. Myself and Jess Featonby; and we didn't crash. In fact, I don't even remember there being a crash.
Are you retarded?
Funny, there was a crash! But it wasnt a team Quon member... They were already dropped. Just like in every A grade race.
All I hear is a big mouth. All I ever see is a big gumby on a bike. Ironic when the one who reads the riot act about holding their line and racing safe is the one who falls off and takes others out. At least the QUON in A grade don't cause falls and think themselves king
Quon master does that make you a hubbard? You always crash before ironman.
there was a crash. there shouldn't have been a crash. but there was a crash. the riders that got taken out were seeing red. time for me to get back to reading the phone book.
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