Even though the Snowy Hydro Southcare Rescue Helicopter was on RED ALERT over the weekend, and stationed nearby at the JOHQ military base..."just in case" , I am proud to announce that all initial reports from the Mont 24hr at Sparrow Hill last weekend were "crash free" for all QUON riders.

In his last days of controlling the QUON empire, the QM was relieved and hopeful that now Mountain bike season has begun and will remain injury free for all QUON riders. So excited in fact, the QM has finally begun chasing up his promised CURLOO sponsorship from 1997, in an attempt to locate his bike that was 'lost in the post', and swap it for a mountain bike and join in the fun this winter.
Also joining in on the new craze, the Mayor of Deakin was spotted on his off road steed last weekend, as too was a canine from the northern suburbs, wearing a rather tight pink jersey.
With the last few mountain bike events being injury free, QUON members have suspicions that a fellow QUON member, albeit a Rookie, may be tied up with black magic, be cursed, or the voodoo man himself. Perhaps it is just co-incidence, but whenever the brother of Wombats does not race, the QUON ride safely????????

yeah. who invited that guy anyway? I'm twice the rookie he is.
sounds like people ride like girls when he's not around. come and join us mate.
check my ride next time your out and questions will be answered. Little do people know that I've been collecting pieces of hair, skin and clothing from eveyone during the season. why do you think some of your knicks are wearing thin?
the blood from QUON riders is nomally quite potent but if I can extract it after a crash all the better.
I keep this all in my bike frame and if I'm falling behind or someone's getting too far ahead, POW! straight of the bike!
my brother's best mate marrying my sister? he was always going to have pay the piper for that one.
You are a wanker Preston!
My sponsorship deal with Curloo was ligit. and it was unfortunate that the frame was lost in transit. You may not remember, but in 2000, Australia Post was not as efficient as it is today!
I believe you are still jealous that you have to pay full tote for your shit, unlike Rads and myself!
Water bottles are $5.50 each. Rads might get them for free, but smitty is still using Ironmen waterbottles from SA, and we all know what happened there.
I don't think scottyrocks is too far behind the eight ball.
So when do we celebrate me becoming QM? I have booked the fun factory for the Wednesday after two Wednesdays from now so we can have some cup cakes and ice cream and then we can go on the playground!!
Ps get your mum to tell my mum if your coming.
I too was a sponsored athlete, yup you guessed it Litespeed. My mate Paul and I got out sponsorships at the same time, i even gave him my second bike when the Curloo (got lost..hmm). Not that he has ever thanked me for the loan, can'e even get me a start in the QUON, some QM he is.
Litespeed Dave
I ride a Litespeed(freebie), do you ride a Litespeed.
If the rest of you pencil dicks rode as hard a patty, blood would be spilt which is the MTB way. Simply "Ride hard or go home"
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