The final weigh-in was held at last Wednesdays crit and there was some mixed results.
Mouldy was confident of taking out max points after not eating for 3 days prior to the last weigh-in. However it was McDuff that stole the show with an 8.71% weight loss. Mouldy was a close 2nd with 7.82% loss and Rock in 3rd with 7.61% loss.
We only had 2 that put on weight with Smithy gaining 6.09% and Randwick 5.17%.
Dominator and Ambo didn't gain or lose even 1 gram.
I've also updated the QUON Master point score. Randwick and Halvo are equal leaders with Rock moving into 3rd place.
The next point scoring event is the QUON Road Race Championships.
Randwicks weight was 61.3 not 58. Mumad Terracini stop rigging events.
The blog is becoming pedestrian.
I'll have a Stomps or Halverson blog any day of the week
Even Randwicks attempts a better.
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