As you may know the @TeamQUON blog always tries to be informative and educational so that our followers depart from the blog, enlightened and well informed in all facets of, ah, um. life.
As such, it has come to our attention over recent months that a number of cyclists within the Canberra Cycling community have begun to train on their race wheels (Oxymoron intended).
We have spent QUONsiderable amount of time analyzing this trend and have come to a few QUONclusions. People are doing this as they believe it is;
Firstly the uneducated understanding that being an A Grade HHHHHHHHHHHhhhhiter entitles you to do so.
Secondly the incorrect assumption that you have them so you should use them.
These two misQUONceptions are just that, mythQUONceptions.
Athletes and hubbards alike should understand that riding race wheels whilst attending a training ride do not make you look cool and fast. It simply screams out;
So next time you go for a "roll" with the race wheels on, whilst not racing, you probably need to invest in a pair of compression socks.
NB: Dodger you're exempt. High 5. Love rads
My spoonser (also known as 'myself') insisters that I roll my own very expensive high-margin product at all times. It makes me fast enough to get 12th place. Hubbards.
I thought it was a good chance to show my imported products I sell?
But why can't I use my race wheels randwick? They are so fast and fun and they make me feel better than everyone else in the bunch, I feel like I'm a part of something this way and I want you to know.
I love it.
I admit to needing all the help i can get. Thats why i roll on eighty eights.
Cristmas crit! you fucked up hipster quon dicks!! bring your race wheels
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