Unfortunately, this is the state in which Team QUON and the Blog (if we had one) stands. Current QM Zany Terra has done absolutely nothing lately, too afraid to upset or tread on any local cyclists toes and is too worried about keeping everyone happy. The Elders have spoken (behind his back of course) and an overthrowing may be nigh. Which QUONer will step up and save our great brethren?
God save the QUON, for nothing will save this current QM.
I will step up and save the QUON. I never thought Smuppi or Terra were fit for the job.
By the way I just got a new set of race wheels for Xmas, not from Santa either
Randwick, you can have a lend of my step ladder
I saw Terra on Eucumbene drive yesterday in the Lexarse. Or was that his brother?
Close down the blog!
Topic before this one: "Team QUON - Looking to go large", then this. Typically indecisive TQ. Useless gits.
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