The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
12 November 2008
The Green Goblin Stikes Again
After an inconclusive outcome to the round one debacle, the Green Goblin was back on track and looking to rectify the situation. Things deteriorated rapidly once he got on the bike!
After a flurry of delicately worded instructions from the 'on track marshal,' the Green Goblin knew the time was right and went about his business with true class and precision!
As Sparkman said, "Hold your FUCKING line." or piss off back to D grade
You guys are lucky I wasn't there tonight. I would have got off the bike swinging. It's on mother fuckers.
Dear nick c, swing away, we are in the corner above the junior fund raising stand (other end to coffee. Just make sure you say it to our faces. Dont hide behind the www numbnuts
Boys, I think you have been had - hook, line and sinker. Credit must be given to the green goblin for taking the piss. The green goblin is a total set up. Why else would someone dress up in that ridiculous green uniform, and ride like my 2 year old daughter 3 wednesdays in a row. Nice work boys
I was there again and you guys were a disgrace. can't ride, can't race, can't hold a line. Pathetic in the extreme. Team Quon are the bogans of the crit track. I reckon you should change your uniform to flanelette.
i agree. with real rider and anonymous i think the quon need to work a little on their riding rather than their talking, after all we know how good they are at the latter but not the former. maybe we could arrange sum skills sessions for some quon members? perhaps all the c grade members?
There are a few new faces in C this year who look like they need a few riding lessons. I reckon most of the guys who've ridden at stromlo over the past few years are doing a good job in C, Quonsters included. Unfortunately it just takes one poor rider to bring down half the bunch. I had no problems with most of the guys (Quon or otherwise) there last night up at the front. I'd hope that any squad with new riders would be giving them a few tips on how not to kill their competitors.
I'm not hiding my identity, It's Ed Hood, the tallest rider on track and I stand proud in my Vortex uniform. Quite frankly I was appalled at last night's C crit. Not a fun race at all. And with the comments on this post I can see why. I'm considering moving up to B grade just to get out of the angry unpredictable throng that is C. I ask you all to read my take on crits and how to make them more fun.
Well said Ed. I agree that the on-course abuse (both from riders AND marshals) just breeds more abuse. Give advice by all means but there's no need to hurl the verbal at anyone. It just makes for a tense race next week.
Edward, I wouldn't be moving up a grade for your own safety - if you can't pull back a break in C grade you should be working on your fitness so you can sit on the front, out of trouble and win races and earn your spot in B grade. Moving up a grade is not a right, its a privilege that needs to be earned.
If you go into a race with a lower level of fitness than those around you, you will most likely be putting others in danger with your self professed lack of experience.
Yeah I'll see how it goes, but I'm in it for the fun, not the fear, and definitely not the rage. Got a point though Anonymous, if I sit on the front then nothing can go wrong. Eventually I'll lead the whole race around without dropping back :-).
Mr Mediocre, if you take 'hold your line', 'you guys are ten wide', 'be smooth' and other such tips as 'abuse' well you really need to take a good long think about what you are made of. I don't swear during the race, and never single out riders to abuse.
If you crap yourself as someone yells at you for being hazardous to other riders, you'd better get used to it, because it doesn't ever stop, regardless of grade/race and I'm talking from racers, not on track marshals.
As one of the very few people to VOLUNTEER to do that job, i can guarantee you it's not for some sort of self gratification, hell I'd love to do what 215 others do, that is show up, do my race, piss off. It's because there are SEVERAL riders with very poor skill and we are doing literally everything possible to make it a safer environment. Identify who the problem riders are, inform the commissaire, and leave it to them. Short of flatly excluding riders from racing, we are running out of options. We've tried the softly approach, the chat after the race, the long winded race brief (which seems to fall on many deaf ears) and the strong warning on track. If you know of a better way please come and see me AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Next week there will be a chat to the entire C bunch from some of the elders, so expect to be marshalled 10 mins prior to the race brief.
I have passed on all my observations to the commissaire, AND I've taken some 'tips' from 'experienced riders' on my advice delivery technique.
Ed - I've read your blog - pls feel free to contact me off post, but going to B isn't the answer. Get my email from the CCC website.
To others - if you have a genuine concern about a dangerous rider - report them to the commissaire, or give them constructive, non-abusive advice on how they can improve.
To all the other anonymous 'experts' including 'dominant C grade rider' - quit hiding behind blogger names, show some balls, some initiative, identify yourself and do something constructive, otherwise blow me.
Remember too that the people putting the racing on are all VOLUNTEERS, you piss them off, and there will be no dedicated competent directors to put the racing on for YOU.
I think I can see where mediocre/dominant C-grader are coming from Scotty. It was a bit 'tense' in the bunch when you provided your advice as we entered a corner. Perhaps you overestimated our ability to take advice and a corner at the same time? Sad to hear though that we should expect to be 'yelled at' in future races. I think I'd prefer, as you say, a quiet word from my fellow competitors, personally. Glad I was in front of the bingle last night. I hope everyone's OK?
I have just read your thread post on the farkin site.
I was one of the 2 people who yelled at you.
My version of events - you basically stopped in the top corner on the 2nd last lap looked over your shoulder which caused you to suddenly veer to the left. The abuse came about as you scared the sh!t out of me (and the other person), I thought you were going to take us down (I did hear your apology).
I remember the very first crit I did (Fyshwick ahh the good old days..not) I did a similar thing and a certain former pro female gave me a gob full, I took offence but eventually I did understand that it is dangerous to look around. You just need to worry about what is in front of you not behind. I am happy to discuss this further next week at the crit if you like (I will track you down, you are right you can’t hide in that outfit) but trust me things are not instantly better in B grade
if you don't like the way the crits are run, do something about it, show some balls and initiative and help out and make a contribtion, instead of bitching and moaning.
A cold beer coming your way Sparky for your efforts and commitment for making our crits safer and more enjoyable for all. Another cold beer for the way you have handled the 'advice' you have been given over the last 24 hours. and, if you take the offer from trumpet up, I'll give you another cold beer - just for the heck of it!
Ed, if you are scared of riding in C grade take up tiddlywinks. You will go up to B when you're good enough, not scared enough. No doubt the B ride would be safer for you though as most of it would be a solo TT.
Sparky and Fiona are the thread that holds the crits together as should receive not only the respect of the masses, but the appropriate courtesies
I know you've got pretty thick skin anyway, but the QUON really does appreciate the work you and Fi put in, UNPAID, to make the crits happen. Maybe the delivery of advice is taken the wrong way sometimes, but maybe some people should actually listen to what you're saying more and if they really have an issue, take it up with you in a more respectful and quiet manner off the track after the race.
It would be nice to see the rock-throwers who chuck boulders in their glass houses actually volunteer to help out some night and see what's required on the other side of the fence every now and again.
Ditto Sparky. I'd be stuck at home with a couple of screaming kids if it wasn't for the efforts of Scotty & Fi on a Wednesday night. You guys and all the volunteers at the crits have saved my sanity! Very much appreciated.
You guys are lucky I wasn't there tonight. I would have got off the bike swinging. It's on mother fuckers.
Dear nick c, swing away, we are in the corner above the junior fund raising stand (other end to coffee. Just make sure you say it to our faces. Dont hide behind the www numbnuts
I think you have been had - hook, line and sinker. Credit must be given to the green goblin for taking the piss.
The green goblin is a total set up. Why else would someone dress up in that ridiculous green uniform, and ride like my 2 year old daughter 3 wednesdays in a row.
Nice work boys
I didn't know I had a two year old daughter.
If I did, she wouldn't be wearing the green goblin costume.
I was there again and you guys were a disgrace. can't ride, can't race, can't hold a line. Pathetic in the extreme. Team Quon are the bogans of the crit track. I reckon you should change your uniform to flanelette.
Your idea about a flanette uniform would never be approved. However, please feel free to put forward more suggestions!
Yours in style,
What are you talking about i'm not a bogan!
I'm better then you real rider!
i think certain members of the brethren need to work on their bike skills rather than spending so much time writing on their beloved blog....
i agree. with real rider and anonymous i think the quon need to work a little on their riding rather than their talking, after all we know how good they are at the latter but not the former. maybe we could arrange sum skills sessions for some quon members? perhaps all the c grade members?
Hey CockHead.... Please see the below,
Men's C
1. Team QUON 41
That's 27 points ahead after 3 weeks. I can just hear the applause at the end of the season already.
Victory will be sweet!
You better hope so. you have the most riders in C grade, show no one is good enough to get into higher grades.
Oh the glorious C grade
There are a few new faces in C this year who look like they need a few riding lessons. I reckon most of the guys who've ridden at stromlo over the past few years are doing a good job in C, Quonsters included. Unfortunately it just takes one poor rider to bring down half the bunch. I had no problems with most of the guys (Quon or otherwise) there last night up at the front. I'd hope that any squad with new riders would be giving them a few tips on how not to kill their competitors.
I agree with mr mediocre, a couple of hints here and there always help those that are unsure. good on ya. finally a nice post!
What i want to know is did you really get up at 6.46am in the morning just to write on this blog? wow
Wait until i get to C grade! I'll show all you half wits a thing or two!!!!
I'm not hiding my identity, It's Ed Hood, the tallest rider on track and I stand proud in my Vortex uniform. Quite frankly I was appalled at last night's C crit. Not a fun race at all. And with the comments on this post I can see why. I'm considering moving up to B grade just to get out of the angry unpredictable throng that is C. I ask you all to read my take on crits and how to make them more fun.
Well said Ed. I agree that the on-course abuse (both from riders AND marshals) just breeds more abuse. Give advice by all means but there's no need to hurl the verbal at anyone. It just makes for a tense race next week.
Why don't you just go straight to A. You seem to be super confident of your bike handling skills. They would love to have you!!
Edward, I wouldn't be moving up a grade for your own safety - if you can't pull back a break in C grade you should be working on your fitness so you can sit on the front, out of trouble and win races and earn your spot in B grade. Moving up a grade is not a right, its a privilege that needs to be earned.
If you go into a race with a lower level of fitness than those around you, you will most likely be putting others in danger with your self professed lack of experience.
Yeah I'll see how it goes, but I'm in it for the fun, not the fear, and definitely not the rage. Got a point though Anonymous, if I sit on the front then nothing can go wrong. Eventually I'll lead the whole race around without dropping back :-).
That's the spirit!
Half the problem was from the marshal yelling anyway. The marshal should not be such a dickhead.
Didn't he pull out of his own 'A' grade race half way through?? Where is the 'A' game?
Mr Mediocre, if you take 'hold your line', 'you guys are ten wide', 'be smooth' and other such tips as 'abuse' well you really need to take a good long think about what you are made of. I don't swear during the race, and never single out riders to abuse.
If you crap yourself as someone yells at you for being hazardous to other riders, you'd better get used to it, because it doesn't ever stop, regardless of grade/race and I'm talking from racers, not on track marshals.
As one of the very few people to VOLUNTEER to do that job, i can guarantee you it's not for some sort of self gratification, hell I'd love to do what 215 others do, that is show up, do my race, piss off. It's because there are SEVERAL riders with very poor skill and we are doing literally everything possible to make it a safer environment. Identify who the problem riders are, inform the commissaire, and leave it to them. Short of flatly excluding riders from racing, we are running out of options. We've tried the softly approach, the chat after the race, the long winded race brief (which seems to fall on many deaf ears) and the strong warning on track. If you know of a better way please come and see me AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Next week there will be a chat to the entire C bunch from some of the elders, so expect to be marshalled 10 mins prior to the race brief.
I have passed on all my observations to the commissaire, AND I've taken some 'tips' from 'experienced riders' on my advice delivery technique.
Ed - I've read your blog - pls feel free to contact me off post, but going to B isn't the answer. Get my email from the CCC website.
To others - if you have a genuine concern about a dangerous rider - report them to the commissaire, or give them constructive, non-abusive advice on how they can improve.
To all the other anonymous 'experts' including 'dominant C grade rider' - quit hiding behind blogger names, show some balls, some initiative, identify yourself and do something constructive, otherwise blow me.
Remember too that the people putting the racing on are all VOLUNTEERS, you piss them off, and there will be no dedicated competent directors to put the racing on for YOU.
VOLUNTEERS? I thought you guys scraped a bit off the top... You know, the extra $3 from the entry fee.
wtf = peckerhead
keep going and you'll lose the best two CCC has
I think I can see where mediocre/dominant C-grader are coming from Scotty. It was a bit 'tense' in the bunch when you provided your advice as we entered a corner. Perhaps you overestimated our ability to take advice and a corner at the same time? Sad to hear though that we should expect to be 'yelled at' in future races. I think I'd prefer, as you say, a quiet word from my fellow competitors, personally. Glad I was in front of the bingle last night. I hope everyone's OK?
I have just read your thread post on the farkin site.
I was one of the 2 people who yelled at you.
My version of events - you basically stopped in the top corner on the 2nd last lap looked over your shoulder which caused you to suddenly veer to the left. The abuse came about as you scared the sh!t out of me (and the other person), I thought you were going to take us down (I did hear your apology).
I remember the very first crit I did (Fyshwick ahh the good old days..not) I did a similar thing and a certain former pro female gave me a gob full, I took offence but eventually I did understand that it is dangerous to look around. You just need to worry about what is in front of you not behind. I am happy to discuss this further next week at the crit if you like (I will track you down, you are right you can’t hide in that outfit) but trust me things are not instantly better in B grade
mr squiggle is in b grade...
Sparky is right
put up or shut up everyone
if you don't like the way the crits are run, do something about it, show some balls and initiative and help out and make a contribtion, instead of bitching and moaning.
If you want someone to blow you - I'm your man.
It is a good thing that there are 'on track' marshals present in the race, but try to think of it from a young inexperienced rider's perspective:
- reasonably new to racing
- nervous enough as it is with guys riding all around them
- getting yelled at by older guys
it can be pretty intimidating.
Ease up on the abusive tones - I'm by no means saying stop all communications - as guidance is the key to success. We are here to have fun.
woah. huge... umm for the person who pretended to be me last night? whats my last name u creep.
nick vortex
This must be a record for comments that weren't all posted by someone who now lives in outback W.A.
point taken. I am definitely going to adjust my delivery technique !
trumpet - mmm, tempting, but pass.
A cold beer coming your way Sparky for your efforts and commitment for making our crits safer and more enjoyable for all.
Another cold beer for the way you have handled the 'advice' you have been given over the last 24 hours.
and, if you take the offer from trumpet up, I'll give you another cold beer - just for the heck of it!
Ed, if you are scared of riding in C grade take up tiddlywinks. You will go up to B when you're good enough, not scared enough. No doubt the B ride would be safer for you though as most of it would be a solo TT.
Sparky and Fiona are the thread that holds the crits together as should receive not only the respect of the masses, but the appropriate courtesies
Nick from Vortex.
Is your last name 'The Dick'?
I know you've got pretty thick skin anyway, but the QUON really does appreciate the work you and Fi put in, UNPAID, to make the crits happen. Maybe the delivery of advice is taken the wrong way sometimes, but maybe some people should actually listen to what you're saying more and if they really have an issue, take it up with you in a more respectful and quiet manner off the track after the race.
It would be nice to see the rock-throwers who chuck boulders in their glass houses actually volunteer to help out some night and see what's required on the other side of the fence every now and again.
Ditto Sparky. I'd be stuck at home with a couple of screaming kids if it wasn't for the efforts of Scotty & Fi on a Wednesday night. You guys and all the volunteers at the crits have saved my sanity! Very much appreciated.
well lance livestrong. no its not. sorry to disappoint...although its nice to know u want to bring the thread yet again down to pointlessness..
The only pointlessness was you behaving like a weepy 4yo girl
Nicko: suck it up, princess, and get the sand out of your vag'. See you at the next day of love.
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