I think this is how you spell domination.
Checking the results from Round 6, domination is definitely what the QUON is displaying. It is definitely what the people of Canberra are talking about. It is definitely good to be a QUONer.
Men's B - 26 mins + 2 laps (32 riders)1.Mark Terracini - Team QUON
2 Troy Reddick - Velo Canberra
3 Bruce Norton - Team QUON
4 Scott Preston - Team QUON
5 Jeff Dau - Team QUON
6 Peter Wilson - Token Products
7 Gavin Drury - DiHARDS
8 Michael Bulters -Team QUON
9 Travis Hicks - Team QUON
10 Steve Jones - Masters ACT
Men's C - 23 mins + 2 laps (24 riders)
1 Mark Bourne
2 Paul Smith - Team QUON
3 John Thorn - Masters ACT
4 Dom Aungles - Team QUON
5 Bill Laing - Bike Culture
6 John Henderson - OnyaBike Belco & Civic
7 Richard Stanton - Squadra
8 Mark Stevenson - Masters ACT
9 George Cretni
10 Martin Boyd - Team QUON