Only a select few Marist boys, who have studied Catholicism in depth, are aware of the 2 commandments that didn't quite make the Bibles final cut. It is not that they lacked significance, but at the time, Moses didn't know a Wayno, and didn't know what the hell a QUON was.
In the current climate of global unrest, the time has come for me to reveal the missing 2 Commandments on this blog.
- Commandment 11 - Wayno shall win the Christmas Crit
- Commandment 12 - The QUON well and truly rock.

"Before the year 2010, the QUON shall dominate the Canberra Cycling Community by winning the Carts Christmas Crit in 2 grades. The Team will then go on to be the ultimate force and achieve global domination.

Just as the Tridents were once great, the QUON as a team will achieve the dominance not seen since in the fine house of Peter James O'Rielly.
The Quon are all fags. The only reason you can win is because you like being so close to other mens rear ends.
The real rider is Back.
I hope the family is well crafty, and we hope to see you at the Chrissy Shambles
If the band is coming back together; you guys are always welcome!
I agree with the imposter, you guys are fags. The real problem is that even with a stalker salivating for you, you are all more interested in is Rads scrot.
Ultimate force? Ultimate farce more likely. The QM has a lady bum, Rads balls are actually fake and the Quon Stalker is Dom in drag.
The only thing you blokes studied at Marist was the tip of the priest's bell end
Have you have seen the Marist Sex Tape John?
I watch it often
Thought as much poof!
You must be in it Nathan
Paul & I liked Dara boys more than Marist boys Adrian eer.... I mean John.
You blokes are quite immature. Wake up, kids read this site
That's what these rock spiders are trawling for, I believe...
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