The reigning QUON Master has been challenged over some of his implemented reform policies, his neglect of tradition, his love of the red headed people, and his desire to drink warm beer. No one however can question his endurance.
A budding Hawaiian Ironman contender, and seasoned Ironman and a multiple tyre changer, Jason Pye has rubber stamped himself as a long course journeyman.
His efforts on Saturday the 20th of December 2008 is fitting tribute to his 'go long' policy.
Quon Xmas tradition
Talking up the Xmas crit and failing. You idiots do it every year.
Budding Hawaii Ironman contender? Try qualifying first. You idiots have no idea
I guess it gives fuckwits like you with no life something to do during the festive season. As I am sure if you had an interesting life you would be living it rather than reading our Blog. Although it seems it is a must for the Canberra cycling community....go figure
Yeah I'm with Canberra Cyclist on this one. All you clowns do all year is boast and brag about how you'll dominate the Christmas Crits - but yet again, you struggle to achieve top 10's Go figure you clowns. Do some training, learn some skills and then put your money (if you even had any) where your filthy mouths are. On that point I'd hate to think where your mouths have been, noting the gutteral themes that are disseminated on this godforsaken blog.
Do you even care what the children read? See how you poison their innocent little minds with filth!
Shame on you team quon
And why would children be reading this?? The Quon are out to have a good time, and they definitely know how to do that!
Whats your point Cyclists. Children have better things to do than read this blog.
Incase you have't realised - its Christmas Time and Santa is the sexiest beast out there at the moment, especially when Mongo is still AWOL.
We did all right at the Chrissy crit. We were beaten by better riders for the major points, but we put oursleves in positions to win both C and B grades.
How did you go in the Chrissy crit?
Every other person that raced 'put themselves in positions to win'.
So, no points for you this at the Christmas crit then?
I thought as much.
It is easier to stir the pot than actually put in the hard yards eh.
If there was nudity, Pysie should recieve double points!
Seeking clarity: check the results. Much coinage and points. Fuck you very much.
Not a victory in sight, story of the Quon's life
I'm very very large, and stiff....
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