A very happy Xmas and new year to you from the ghosts of Xmas past. Remember to love one another and rejoice in the joy that is the love of your fellow man and the domination of semi-professional cycling.
The men, women and children of Team Jerra (RIP)
Another piece of shit bunch of cycling losers
...that dominated racing...making those that they beat even more shit, and even bigger losers, if you follow the logic. So John, will you confess to racing in the seasons past. No, 'of course' you didn't, tosswad. Have a fucked Christmas: I hope you catch the clap from your mum...again.(Yes, we even know what you get up to behind closed doors)
When those losers 'won something' I wasn't even living in Canberra. I bet it was all C & D grade points anyway.
Nice language too. Good to see the real quon come out
See the trophy? Get back to us when your name is on it.
Merry Christmas.
It is.
Proper teams have won it since you clowns
Who's the fat prick to the left? Don't see his name on the trophy.
If you actually saw the trophy you would realise he does, and so does the reserve who subbed in when I wasn't available.
John, you are a cock
Sorry boys, my comments have been harsh and based on little substance.
I am weak and look to insight anger from a Team which I long to be apart of.
Forgive me.
and now you cocks post under my name. The only weak thing is you guys. All talk in C grade but ride like a pack of sheilas when it comes to even looking like A Grade.
Come back with something decent when you're riding with the big boys, not carrying on with juvenile shit in the losers grades
My terrets syndrome is always worse on public holidays. Sorry for my outbursts guys.
The QUON rocks in all grades. So does every rider. We don't ride for sheep stations - more for the enjoyment and friendship.
Cheers QUON - merry christmas
Get your own name you illiterate asshole
Its spelt 'tourrettees' as well
hook, line and sinker I would say John from A!
'Its' is also spelt 'it's' dickwad
In 1847 an Irish workman, Phineas Cage, shed new light on the field of neuroscience in a rock blasting accident which sent an iron rod through the frontal region of his brain. Miraculously enough, he survived the incident, but even more astonishing to the science community at the time were the marked changes in Cage’s personality after the rode punctured his brain. Where before Cage was characterized by his mild mannered nature, he had now become aggressive, rude and "indulging in the grossest profanity, which was not previously his custom, manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires" (1) according to the Boston physician Harlow in 1868. However, Cage sustained no impairment with regards to his intelligence or memory (1). This incident provoked scientists to ask the question, "can alteration of the brain structure lead to differences in personality?" and if so, then "are there specialized regions of the brain responsible for the function of different elements of our personal character?" Thus, completely by chance, the foundational discoveries for the development of frontal lobotomy were laid.
It is my considered opinion therefore that "John" has most likely suffered an inadvertent frontal labotomy, possibly caused by a wheel shewer, broken spoke or possibly even a brake lever? Who knows but the result is clear for all to see.
tender love and passionate kisses,
the mysterious Dr X
John From A Grade = J FAG
How appropriate
John from A grade, please come and see us at the next crit - you know where we are.
I'll be busy getting ready for A grade, I don't have enough time to find you losers
Come see us John you hero, give these gents some tips on how to get so dam good won't you. I will be there the next crit and I will make it worth your while... ;)
I really would, however, love to meet the man behind the screen who has the tenacity to stand up to such fearsome array of go getters.
Wankers. You would shit your pants if you met me anyway, like most C graders
I know I am confusing alot of you. Some days I think I am an A Grade. Somedays I am aggressive, whilst somedays I need cuddles. Somedays I am a tuff man, others I am a poet wit wit and charm.
But, deep down I am just a lonley boy with a cry for attention.
john = smup
Nathan is a poof.
Nathan is a poof.
John from A grade is a legend and is an all round gentleman off the bike.
look out! the quon is about!
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