My daughter Belinda, and all of her family, would like to say a huge thank you to you for your courage and understanding!
You generosity in giving up your hospital bed after your horrific crash with an Alpine Mouse whilst training up Corin Mountain has allowed Belinda to receive the treatment she so desperately needed. We have been waiting for a bed to come available for months, and your selflessness has allowed her to be treated and hopefully lead a full adult life.
I hope that you are recovering well, and that your loved ones, brethren and training buddies are sympathetic to your needs and are nursing you back to good health.
Good luck and thanks,
Belinda's mum.
it was a wallaby!
You idiots are very quiet after your pathetic efforts at the crit on Wednesday. Looks like the true colours of the quon are starting to shine. All talk and no action. Stick to triathlon you clueless dipshits.
Piss off idiot. Where have you been all season? Have you even raced this year?
It just goes to show that you know nothing about cycling tactics dickhead!.
There was a six man break, which contained 1 Quon rider. He is a powerhouse and we backed him 100%.
We were then riding for 7th-10th.
If you got lucky this week - well done and enjoy it, cause we are still leading the pointscore and will smash you if you are brave enough to put your name to the post.
It was a wallaby you idiots. It was as big as an Alpine Moose though and a bit yeti like.
Hats off
I hope you are feeling better Paul. Some of the quon are sooo harsh, and I don't think they really grasp how much falling off hurts.
There is only 1 'o' in mouse!
"Where did he go?"
"Where did who go?"
I have got points every week dipshit. You quon boys are pathetic with your dangerous tactics and childish taunts. Have a look at yourselves.
if you still in B you couldn't be getting too many points.
Neither could you idiot.
Thank you very happy B grader, I do and i must say i like what i see! mmmmmmmm yumi
You must have hurt your neck in the crash though Smithy. You were bobbing up and down like a pogo stick on the last few laps on Wednesday night. I was thinking that you must of snapped your head off your spine.
Wishing you a speedy recovery,
Smithy, the question is can you still skull like a lamb though?
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the best of all?
You are dick head!
I want to donate some of the quons winnings this year to Belinda.
Madical expenses don't take too long to accumulate.
Here's the deal Trumpet. We will donate 100% of your winnings to Belinda's cause.
Your the accountant, so don't waste anytime tracking down this little girl. 100% of nothing = ?
John and A very happy B grader frequent me often....yes together.
but they are the same person?
I like to frequent the 'John' every now and they Y'all.
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