Vikings Chicks flew in from their Nordic homes on Wednesday night to rape, pillage, and plunder. The big question is what are Spud and Almighty doing about it? NOTHING!
Boys, don't make us unleash the Mongo beast - because then these girls will never come back to you.
Those cheeks are nothing compared to the Quon Stallker.
Where were you guys? Lets plan things a little better next week and perhaps you guys can contribute to the chase and bring the break back.
This insinuates Spud is romantically active. How has this not come up before? What use is a blog if items are left unreported?
I can confirm Spud's romantic interludes. At first I thought it was a possum - but those noises are definitely coming from his residence
Ever since I met the man, I have wanted Spud all to myself. But recently he slipped from my fingertips, and was carried off by the Viking. Alas, our love has gone unrequited. Therefore, failing in my duty to secure a husband of rank, I must leave the country in shame.
Spud is going out with Victor from the Raiders?
You know all about my cheeks Randy, you can come and find out some more tonight at my house. I can't wait for your little body to be all over me again! Yum, yum!
The vikings impressed the Quon with their drinking ability and their willingness to have fun.
The door was ajar, and the elders were discussing inclusion to the ranks in 2009.
How easy it is to fall from grace.
Any more points girls; and you can kiss this opportunity goodbye!
If the QM had acted sooner and recruited said viking vixens when we should have our lead would be 86 points! Will this cost us the big trophy?
Ill show u mi big trophie
Does the phrase "is it in yet" ring any bells? When Spud said we were having Button Mushrooms I misunderstood.
Are there any females in team quon ?
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