It's a thankless job, but someone has to do it. The CCC handicapper has been using his expert powers and making sure TQ can't burgle as much as it would like for the upcoming Canberra Tour. Good luck to all TQ as they battle it out in the grades they belong in!
My mum always said: "Never trust a guy with two first names!"
Now that the handicapper has run his eye over the entries and re-graded the burglars, maybe more of you will stop hiding from Simon in the bunch rides and actually do some work!
Can I just say how disappointed I am in Mongo's email he sent and shared to us on the dribble.
Let me get this straight. You are sooking about being bumped from E grade to D2.
For f*cks sake - that sort of sh*t makes us all (Team QUON) look like a bunch of tools.
Can we just suck it up and take it like a man from now on. Or do we want to turn in to a bunch of whiney sooky cyclists like Velo Canberra - our mortal enemies.
I am doing this anonymously as I don't want to be bashed. The Mongo Beast scares me.
For F*$k sake! Bigdog and Pysie, you are being a little bit too sensative/gay/girly don't you think.
The comment made no derogative remarks to, or from, anyones wife. The only crime was that it lacked a bit of humour.
But, gotta say in big capital letters;
At my Quon-duction this season, I was instructed by Scottyrocks and the QM that you are never to use your own name when commenting on the blog.
Does this now mean that the only names you can't use are your own, and the wife of a dickhead that we don't know, like or care what he thinks.
Simi, that's what it looks like.
where can i get a anti-burglar system for my home?
time for a change of article Paul, this one is a little tired
how about an article on self esteem? mine is shot after getting hosed by a single speed this morning. They should be barred from coming on the hot, its not good for my ego.
A couple of Nordic lads slipped through the security system and commited day light robbery on the weekend
Vikings 1-2 E Grade, shit was so cash
I ride and act like an E grader, So I must be an E grader!
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