While most of Team QUON will be riding like lunatics tomorrow morning, where will you be?
- Simi will be baby-sitting.
- McDuff will be pulling himself on a single-trail somewhere (ala Big Dog).
- Tonii will be in the hills preparing fastidiously for another DNF.
- Pysie will be shnuggling and enjoying ‘special time’ Saturdays.
How do you take this shit down...... Thats just not funny
Hey boys at the speed you were going you'd be welcome on our rides. See you out there next week with us
You guys wouldn't be able to keep up with our novice squad. You looked like a bunch of senior citizens. You're never welcome on our rides.
I have conveniently timed my sniffles again so that I will DNS Canberra Tour. Almighty would have smacked me up anyway.
fair shake of the sauce bottle boys. Stomps has trained hard for this and should be supported, not heckled. Maybe if the rest of you showed this level of committment to training you would have taken out the Squad title this year.
Sadly winning the crits is about racing well..... Not training! Stomps take note.
Where is the love? I thought that's what your team is about?
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