14 April 2010

Paul says "hi" to the QUON

Nancy has sold up - long live the King!
And the King of the Tumbalong Tavern is a guy named Paul. Paul is a kiwi, who was residing in the Shire, until this unique opportunity came along. Following in the footsteps of Justin Hemmes, Woolworths or some rich guy with a lot of pubs, Paul fell in love with the romance of country living after the last episode of 'Farmer wants a wife'. His mid life crisis resulted in the purchase of this landmark tavern, and the jovial locals have not stopped taking the piss since he arrived.
Whilst not a keen cyclist, he did confide in House-Of that he has worn lycra on occasion, and would welcome any return visits from the QUON.
.....the beer was cold, and it was good.

1 comment:

Sharts said...

Is it true that big and little undies both have small amounts of poo in their undies after Preston and Payne lapped them on numerous occassions? I hope that Mum Undies has a good washing machine.

Long live the Old Bulls.