The young bull excitedly nudges the old bull and says, "Hey! Hey! I know! Let's run over there and fuck one of those cows!"
The old bull looks at the young bull, then turns and takes a long look at the cows. He turns back to the young bull and says, "Son, let's walk over there and fuck 'em all."

..except that is a gender confused cow humping another cow
No way, it is an OLD BULL doing the humping.
It is an easy mistake to make however, as the bulls alergic reaction to prawns make him look like a cow.
Cows themselves ride each other if one or the other is in heat. However technically this is not mating, even though to the untrained dirty-minded individual it would seem otherwise. Cows ride each other if a bull or two are not present. Often the cow or heifer that is going out or coming into standing eat will ride other heifers or cows. However if the heifer or cow is in standing heat then she will let other cows or heifers jump on her back and ride her.
so does that mean the quon are just a bunch of old cows on heat? Actually, now I start to see..
Is that what Marty and Terra did last night? Terra is definitely the submissive one though.
I once fucked an old cow.
Was she double XL?
No, but she looked like the guy below
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