The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
28 December 2011

16 December 2011
14 December 2011
Race Wheels

As you may know the @TeamQUON blog always tries to be informative and educational so that our followers depart from the blog, enlightened and well informed in all facets of, ah, um. life.
As such, it has come to our attention over recent months that a number of cyclists within the Canberra Cycling community have begun to train on their race wheels (Oxymoron intended).
We have spent QUONsiderable amount of time analyzing this trend and have come to a few QUONclusions. People are doing this as they believe it is;
Firstly the uneducated understanding that being an A Grade HHHHHHHHHHHhhhhiter entitles you to do so.
Secondly the incorrect assumption that you have them so you should use them.
These two misQUONceptions are just that, mythQUONceptions.
Athletes and hubbards alike should understand that riding race wheels whilst attending a training ride do not make you look cool and fast. It simply screams out;
So next time you go for a "roll" with the race wheels on, whilst not racing, you probably need to invest in a pair of compression socks.
NB: Dodger you're exempt. High 5. Love rads
09 December 2011
Beagle bewildered at news of coveted girlfriends absence in 2012

Team QUON sellout, Mitchell ‘Beagle’ Flynn, was visibly upset in Team Suzuki’s recent calendar shoot upon hearing news that his beloved girlfriend would be absent from the country in 2012 due to commitments with some dream team thing in Europe. When asked for a comment Mitchell responded with ‘M8, I’m full devo hey. I was all g’d up for a dece year on the road with the boys, hopn she will b hm wen I got back afta a dece training sesh behind the moto. But to find this out is killing me m8’.

After trying to make sense of the words and a careful reconstruction of the misplaced letters we believe he was attempting to communicate the following ‘Hi friend. I am really upset at this news. I was really excited for a fantastic year racing around the Country with my team mates. I felt safe with the knowledge that she would be home cooking and cleaning after I had completed a motor pacing session (which is where you ride really fast behind a motorbike). When I found out, a small part of me died inside.’

10 minutes after the photo shoot Mitchell had forgotten what had taken place and was back out behind the motobike. Happy again.
08 December 2011
A hypothetical

So - you're gaining a reputation for stupid behaviour on the bike. Evidenced by: throwing yourselves on the ground in bunch rides; giving team mates yellow cards in bunch rides; having your team race a nationally televised race only for all the teams riders to be seen sunbaking off to the side after 5mins; driving your own lead out train in to the dirt.
Q: What do you do to recapture your image?
A: You put an A grader at the front of C grade at the local crit races.
Bravo! Well played sirs. Your reputation will continue to grow with behaviour like this.
06 December 2011
What does this deviant have in store for us?
02 December 2011
30 November 2011
28 November 2011
Big hitters edition of the HoT (TM)
Arguably one of Australia's toughest training rides, the HoT (TM) is set to ignite on Friday morning with the likes of Green Edge, Rabobank and Team Sky being in town for this week's special addition.
The big questions:
- Will Robbie McEwen attend to show his sprint prowess?
- Will Michael Matthews toy with the rest of the euro pro's as he did in last weekend's NSW Cycling Grand Prix
- Will Michael Rogers ride off the front and never be seen again?
- Will Green Edge even show?
All of these questions and more will be answered on Friday morning.
23 November 2011
Attention all QUONers
21 November 2011
-an epic, unbelievable adventure in two parts (revised)-
A medley of prose
This is just the beginning
Wait 'til I warm up...
QUONlo is our home
As all around new growth blooms
We will DOMinate
We invented Crits
Invented the bicycle
Invented the wheel...
Yes we take the piss;
Hyperbolic reactions
Make us Laugh Out Loud
We ride with passion
And live our lives the same way
We all love to ride
Racing gets the blood pumping
You know you're alive
When red mist decends
Remember the stakes involved
Let's keep it upright
Rubbin' is racin'
Get it sorted on the track
Then lets have a beer...
QUON Rookie am I
Haiku has been forbidden
Oops what have I done?
To mangle Bader
'Rules - Obedience of fools,
Guidance of wise men'
'Stick it to da man!'
Embodies the QUON spirit
Suck it up, Princess
Major Sponsor hanging on by a thread
BTB, that was probably the worst rhyme ever...
19 November 2011
Loving all
team QUON is the one to Follow.
If it wasn't for Vello or ollo there wouldn't be any
Muppets to Follow.
Wensday is our day of Love so lets keep it fun.
Its not about what sort of race wheels you run or
place you come, or even the Hair gel you wear
as long as we play fair.
At the end of the day people might think the QUON is gay,
time to let Halvo out to play.
Quontraversal you may say,
Loves youse all have a nice day.
TEAM QUON unbelievable

Team QUON absolutely dominated the Team QUON Road Race World Championships ™ today. A brilliant cycling/cross-fit inspired format that Canberra Cycling Club officials would do well to copy.
The big hitters of Team QUON finished in the first 20 places. No other riders finished the final climb up L’Alpe de Rouge except for Team QUON riders.
No Team QUON riders chopped anyone off, or crashed or threw any water bottles. Some cheated, and some burgled, but what can you do.
Team QUON then ate and drank in a socially inclusive and friendly manner in Deakin you know, except for Trevor who was cranky. The coffees came quick. Relatively few beers were consumed.
The sponsor rode and was happy.
Team QUON once again saved Canberra Cycling.
18 November 2011
It's a walk off
Hi it’s Uliander here and Wow!
What an amazing amount of QUONtravery.
There hasn’t been this much cat fighting and bitching since me and Wilansel had our famous hissey fit in Zoolander. After much discussion between me and my mirror this morning I think the only way to settle this dispute is a walk off. It’s obvious I’ll walk right over Wilansel but it’s the only way of getting him out of this mess. I have the most beautiful carbon fibre bike, beautifully pressed white knicks, a tanned complexion and round the clock 5 o’clock shadow.
Let’s make it tomorrow at noon at the usual place. You know right behind the toilet block at Yarramundi Reach. That way I’ll have time to visit my solarium and have my chest wax.
See you there or be square.
What have we become?
17 November 2011
Whilst many of us work hard at trying to improve our riding some of the blog readers may find it more productive to focus their efforts on improving their sense of humor.
We would also like to add that the reference to the ollo logo looking like a dick and 2 balls is very funny but it wasn’t a QUONer that coined the tag.
Keep training hard everyone and if you want to read to blog make sure your sense of humor is in check.
Hook line and sinker.
12 November 2011
36 Sleeps till the best day of the year
11 November 2011
Enough is enough...
10 November 2011
09 November 2011
08 November 2011
Who does that?

07 November 2011
QM just keeping an eye on Uncle Halvo
03 November 2011
Well done to a possible QUONabee

Learning to Count
02 November 2011
Team QUON Road Race World Championships
01 November 2011
Weigh in results

The final weigh-in was held at last Wednesdays crit and there was some mixed results.
Mouldy was confident of taking out max points after not eating for 3 days prior to the last weigh-in. However it was McDuff that stole the show with an 8.71% weight loss. Mouldy was a close 2nd with 7.82% loss and Rock in 3rd with 7.61% loss.
We only had 2 that put on weight with Smithy gaining 6.09% and Randwick 5.17%.
Dominator and Ambo didn't gain or lose even 1 gram.
I've also updated the QUON Master point score. Randwick and Halvo are equal leaders with Rock moving into 3rd place.
The next point scoring event is the QUON Road Race Championships.
26 October 2011
Fantasy becomes reality
24 October 2011
48hrs to go
Sort it out QM or step aside and let a young bull sort it out.
*** Press Release: Team QUON Olympic Sprint World Championshsips

Team QUON Olympic Sprint World Championships
QUONlo Cycle Arena, Saturday October 21
The second running of this event featured easily the strongest field seen in a Canberra cycling event for many years. A cramped local calendar saw a clash with the Corin Classic cycling event, but no self-respecting QUONner should ever do a real race on the weekend anyway.
The visionary format was designed for the sort of spectacular racing not usually seen at QUONlo (the CCC would be well served to copy and implement it themselves). It is based on teams of 4 made up of an A grader, B grader, C grader, and a D grader (or Paddy). With teams racing off pursuit style in an Olympic Sprint format.
The racing as expected was amazing, giving the other stunned track users a close-up lesson in Euro-lactic style racing. On such days of pure sporting elegance and power it is easy to see why the track was named after Team QUON.
After a qualifying round and 2 semi-finals, the first place race off was between Uncle Halvo's barbie dolls (Halvo/Spud/Robobo/Cuddles) and the Lactic snot bubbles Uber/QM/GTE/Gary Codkin). With Halvo making short work of it and leading his babes to the quickest time of the night (6:37), destroying a team badly hand-picked by the QM himself.
The last place race off saw Mongo tort me everything i no (Liam/Stomps/LBF/Walks) forced to skull beers due to a crushing loss at the shaved legs of Mitchi luvs Myfie (Beagle/Mouldy/Rads/Paddy) a team badly hampered by a below par Beagle.
The other 2 teams were so lacklustre they deserve no mention.
Best and fairest: Cuddles as the only member of the winning team not on a free Trek bike.
Worst effort: LBF for beer drinking performance issues.
No shows: Scotty Rocks and Tandoori (no wonder there is an Elder’s re-evaluation process currently going on).
21 October 2011
18 October 2011
The QUON's Dark Horse in 2011
A New Breed of QUON Master has emerged.
The Spring Carnival is here and whilst 2011 is seen a season of Redemption for Team QUON,
its leader was seen on Caulfield Cup day riding a different type of horse amongst the fillies.
In a year already defined and marked by QUONtroversy, its leader is coming back into form and is being groomed as the Dark Horse of the QUON in 2011.
Dark Horse:
n. a person with known potential
n. rough and boisterous
n. a unit measurement of power or rate of doing work, in imperial system defined as 550 foot pounds per second (Equal to 745.7 watts)
Canberra Bilby's - My First Ironman (By Jason Pye)

14 October 2011
QM vows to rid of all riders sitting in
Red Hills anyone?
13 October 2011
A friendly reminder to all TQ
11 October 2011
The Fun Police
05 October 2011
Sparks were flying at the Wednesday World Champs

04 October 2011
40% Off all Summer Wigs Sale
03 October 2011
01 October 2011
30 September 2011
A Champion Defeated

29 September 2011
Big Undies to Fill
28 September 2011
26 September 2011
Target Acquired
25 September 2011
Mediocrity strategy
After the widly applauded mediocrity strategy of Old Bulls Vs Young Bulls in 2010! The latest strategy involves all participates getting 1 point to encourage participation in QUON events and holdy handy feel-goodyness throughout the team. This will ensure there is no definite leader at the end of the season, and that everyone will be applauded for being mediocre.
But thomo can have a bonus point for being thomo. Hi 5!!
23 September 2011
It is way out of line and character for the QUON, and has obviously been posted without consideration.
It most definately does not reflect the views and core values of the QUON and what it stands for.
Please accept our apology.