After last nights Elders voting and the skulling competition; it can be announced that the QUON Master title will be passed to Paul Smith at SOO1 this year.
Paul finished off the year with a flurry of QUON points in brilliant displays of athleticism and drunkenness to claim the title by only 3.5 points from current QM, Piece of Pye. The Baby Jesus on the back of his first Ironman put in a strong showing in the back half of the year to finish third just ahead of the Deputy QM and Rads Nads.
Thanks to all that competed this year. I think we had some very successful new events in the form of the Team Road Race and the Family Triathlon; and some not so successful trips to Wollongong.
Like my neeeegro Tupac says: “It aint nuthin but a gangsta party”
Final Results and table Below:
International Performance of the Year Points:
1st - Paul Smith (for laying down in the year of the ginga and letting a ginga chick beat him overseas and Winning the Canberra International Arboretum Fun Run
2nd - Halvo (consistent performances overseas)
3rd - Angry Ginga (for snagging a Hot International woman and then dumping her)
4th – Baby J – Singapore sling
5th – Ambo – German jaunt
6th – Uber – Hawaii (part one – the meltdown)
7th - Rads – Most travelled
8th – Piece Of – NZ (the DNF club)
Beer Skulling:
1st - Paul Smith
2nd – Rads Nads
3rd – Zany Terra
4th – Scotty Rocks
5th – Marty
Final QWC Ladder:Smup - 66
Piece Of - 62.5
Baby J - 50
Mouldy -41.5
Rads - 39
Scotty Rocks - 35
Joseph -32
Gagel -28
Skin and Bones -26
Vinne - 25.0
Uber Ginga - 24
Wallet - 20
Doodle -20
Toni -17
Rock - 17
Zany - 17
Ambo - 15
Spud -13
Fireman -12
Poet - 12
Yeti -10
Mary/Gilly -10
Angry Ginga -10
Albert -10
Br Cranky -9
GTE -3
Trumpet -2