Paul finished off the year with a flurry of QUON points in brilliant displays of athleticism and drunkenness to claim the title by only 3.5 points from current QM, Piece of Pye. The Baby Jesus on the back of his first Ironman put in a strong showing in the back half of the year to finish third just ahead of the Deputy QM and Rads Nads.
Thanks to all that competed this year. I think we had some very successful new events in the form of the Team Road Race and the Family Triathlon; and some not so successful trips to Wollongong.
Like my neeeegro Tupac says: “It aint nuthin but a gangsta party”
Final Results and table Below:
International Performance of the Year Points:
1st - Paul Smith (for laying down in the year of the ginga and letting a ginga chick beat him overseas and Winning the Canberra International Arboretum Fun Run
2nd - Halvo (consistent performances overseas)
3rd - Angry Ginga (for snagging a Hot International woman and then dumping her)
4th – Baby J – Singapore sling
5th – Ambo – German jaunt
6th – Uber – Hawaii (part one – the meltdown)
7th - Rads – Most travelled
8th – Piece Of – NZ (the DNF club)
Beer Skulling:
1st - Paul Smith
2nd – Rads Nads
3rd – Zany Terra
4th – Scotty Rocks
5th – Marty
Final QWC Ladder:
Smup - 66
Piece Of - 62.5
Baby J - 50
Mouldy -41.5
Rads - 39
Scotty Rocks - 35
Joseph -32
Gagel -28
Skin and Bones -26
Vinne - 25.0
Uber Ginga - 24
Wallet - 20
Doodle -20
Toni -17
Rock - 17
Zany - 17
Ambo - 15
Spud -13
Fireman -12
Poet - 12
Yeti -10
Mary/Gilly -10
Angry Ginga -10
Albert -10
Br Cranky -9
GTE -3
Trumpet -2

Kian Poo doesn't deserve to be QM. He wanks in the bath.
Can we ban bigdog, all of his alias, and all of his imposters from the blog and the dribble.
All stand and applaude the new QM!
I hope the new QM gets the younger QUON members. Rick and Randwick to actually show up to functions, the HOT, the Shambles and the crits. What a disaster the QM was shown to be by letting them in. They are nearly worse than trumpet.
That looks more like Skin & Bones than me, get with it.
Holy Jesus!
Paul Smith looks like a POW!
Malnourished and scarred, the QUON is in dire straits.
2009/10 will see the demise of the QUON and the rise of bike culture.
I can see into the future, as well as the past.
Will Pysie now become fat again and bring his lady bum back? I miss the old Pysie. So cute and chubby in his winter jeans. Well done though Pysie; your reign at the top was better than ever before. You created a governance structure and added new events and stuck to your words at the start of the year. The Ginga's love you, even though we still hate them.
Good job
Bad night to skip the Elders meeting it seems QM. Thats gotta suck, but I hope the sex was good.
Yes, I am the greatest QUON member. Yes, I am QUON Master again. Yes, I will be a lot better than the lady bum before me.
So Smitty wins the QUON in some dodgy beer skulling comp that was only announed last night. The QUON Calender stated that it was at the end of season drinks? So does that mean the drinks were last night. Thanks for the invites QM and elders. What a fucken joke. Pysie has killed it this year and you guys have thrown it back in his face. Unless he didn't actually want to stay QM. Which is possible. Someone needs to stand up and tell us what the fuck is going on? Maybe the new QM can man up? Fuck me, who is actually in charge?
1.Tough words from a person too scared to put their own name to a comment.
2.Pysie was elected through a dodgey system. It is kind of ironic that he then is moved on by a system which is exactly the same.
3. Please work out your angle, do your homework and then post your comment. Your argument contradicts itself.
I don't see how it contradicts itself? I just want to know what is going on? We were going to have a skulling competition that included all of us, then the elders go and make their own rules.
yeah, it's good isn't it
Hey travis hicks the concerned quon member, if it is a democracy you want, join pedal power. I don't really care who the QM is, I just want to ride my bike with my mates.
You wern't in the running, smitty has not been beaten in a skull off by a male ever, so he was destined to win, and this is the first time that I have heard anyone praise Pysie for the job he has done.
I am not saying he did a bad job, but it is a thankless one, and if he was doing a awesome job, why didn't you stand up and say it before.
Are you a rabbito's supporter as well?
Wow, Didn't realise things were so heated. Thanks for all those that showed their support. To all you other pricks, piss off. As much as it pains me to have Smuppy as our leader, I am glad to have relinquished the title. The global financial crisis has taken its toll on me.
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