Steve the mincer could do nothing more than 'turn his back' on Team QUON this morning. He was heard to be saying quietly to himself
"Where is the one they call 'Vinney'. I make a special effort to get to the coffee shop and he has not been here lately. Where are you Vinney, come back soon."
Sources close to Team QUON have confirmed that Br Vinney has a bad case of the sniffles and is resting up in bed. Paul Smith QMe has offered to support Vinney through this time of need and is said to be visiting him on a regular basis. The mincer refused to comment on Br Vinney's condition but is thought to be in a state of depression.
What was smuppy doing riding before noon? And I didn't think he drank coffee.
What is that guy wearing? Knicks without a chamois? They are about as useful as a cock flavoured lollipop!
cock flavoured lollipop
I know what you're saying Patches. It looks like a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob.
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