At this season's launch, Br S&B inspired us with his words. Here is a small part of what he said:
To those that have ridden before, welcome back to another season with Team QUON, for those that cannot be here we welcome you to and for those that are new to the QUON remember a few simple things,
When you suit up in the morning, or middle of the day (Smuthy)
When you don the blue and yellow, to go out for a play,
At the HOT or the shambles or just the morning bunch
And even if your in the presence of triathletes for some brunch.
On Wednesday’s at QUONlo, as the sun sets in the west
Prepare yourself for battle because the QUON they do detest.
They will come at you from left and right, cause hey we don’t conform,
To the roadie code of conduct, and from this the QUON did spawn.
Pull on your knicks with pride boys, and wear that jersey proud
You are a QUONer, and for that you’re well-endowed.
From the elders to the rookies, from the past to present day,
Let’s show all those who care to look, that we are here to stay.
In summing up the QUON’s about giving it a good hard go,
And sticking it to the establishment, cause we're here for the show
For Team QUON it’s not just about our performance on the bike,
It’s the beer, the Christmas Shambles and the dribble they dislike.
From the words of our patron, no Rad’s not Dodger, Rod Tidwell is the man
with whom the QUON has modelled itself from back when it began.
It’s the urn and the blogsite, and all the things we honour
That make up the ‘whole thing’ and makes a QUON a QUONer.
That is all.