The views published on this blog are those of private individuals and are not to be taken as being associated with any organisation. If you don't like it, then simply go to another website. Thanks to our legal representative. BOOM!
30 July 2009
The transfer window for all QUONabee's to become QUON-rookies for the 2009/2010 'QUON Season of Dominance' is fast approaching.
The steps have been distributed on the dribble several times, yet if further clarification is required, an immediate phone call to the GQME or Scottyrocks must occur.
All nominations and qualification must occur before the next ELDERS meeting, which is to be held in late August; so time is running out!
Remember, the nomination process is iron-clad. It is the sole responsibility of the sponsor to nominate, arrange a suitable meeting time, and ensure that the QUONabee is worthy, and then continues to be worthy throughout the season.
Brothers, we are entering potentially the greatest season that QUON has experienced since it's inception before the days of Team Jerra. If there is a suitable and deserving candidate out there, it's time to put up or shut up!
Gone Fishing!
28 July 2009
Hi, I am cuddles' hot sister
Having struggled with acne-prone skin since my teenage years and finding very little help available, my attention turned to skin care. In 2005 I founded the Clear Complexions Clinic, a clinic staffed by skilled skin care nurses.
I developed my skills working for a leading cosmetic surgeon in Canberra where I was trained in Intense Pulsed Light Therapy (IPL), microdermabrasion, acne and pigmentation treatments such as Clearskincare , and the application of Botox © and Restylane ©. I have been trained in a wide variety of surgical procedures, from the removal of moles through to larger cosmetic surgeries such as face-lifts and breast augmentations.
I look after the Ginga, the tubby and the ugly. Check out my web site, and check out my photo.
Hi I'm Cuddles!

I have been laying pretty low, so some of you may not know me. I am the good looking rooster on your right, (not the tubby fellow in the gay looking top on your left).
We couldn't afford a trip to France this year, so we rode the Victorian Alps instead.
....wish you were here!
Love Cuddles(brother of Suzzie)
27 July 2009
Christmas in July for Dodger
LBF your Virtual QM!

So another TDF done and dusted. Well done to KC on his win, he now has $50
to spend at any QUON establishment/establishments over the month of August.
It was a close contest between Br Smuppy and Br LBF the whole may, the
better man came through though! Cammy Boland was a surprise third, he
was in the top10 from the start and clawed his way to the final podium
position over the last few stages. Wayneo, was the man who fell out of
the 3, his time in Melbourne with Scotty Rocks possibly costing him.
Then again, the buffer between third and fourth was quite substantial.
Fifth went to Shane Rogers, who even dropped his brother Mick, much to
the disgust of the other brothers. Brother Pizzle and myself tied for
6th, funnily enough it was he and I who were a bit dumb founded by the
rules, and made some hastily and unnecessary changes, perhaps we will be
wiser for it next year!! 8th went to the GIRO comp winner Br Almighty,
showing yet again he's a force to be reckoned with in these type of
competitions. 9th went to trail jayzer, he was lurking the whole
tournament but never quite packed the punch required. And finally
rounding out the top10 came the first QUONabee, Br Mouldy's keeper. But
I think Cam will say most importantly he has bragging rights for a year.
There was plenty who made charges at various points of the competition,
but only Smuppy and KC ever looked like winning. Some placed a team at
the start and didn't trade again, others had spreads sheets, but most
importantly it was great to see over 30 QUONers getting a team together.
We should not forget the other half dozen or more who couldn't quite
understand the rules, therefore not eligible to score. On that note Br
Tonii had a very promising team or two, maybe next year Tonii.
The Lanterne Rouge was Mr Hoitink, brother of Susie? So all in all, thumbs
up to the SBS comp I think, unless others think OZTIPs is the GO next year.
And the winner is LBF, $50 to spend at any QUON establishment for the month of August.
2 24 Eurosport is better Mr Paul Smith 704 1857
3 88 Mouldys Marauders Mr Cameron Boland 772 1771
4 181 globules rouges Mr Wayne Spratford 628 1683
5 204 Maillot Jaune Mayor Mr Shane Radnell 809 1667
6 214 Piece of Pyes Mr Jason Pye 665 1664
6 212 Who is Trevor Wallet? Mr Travis Hicks 766 1664
8 371 Pimp my Team Mr Bruce Norton 698 1606
9 485 team trailjayzer Mr Jay Reid 695 1574
10 638 110RPM Mr Simon Johnson 631 1537
11 821 Go, Go, EPO Mr Jesse Featonby 813 1502
13 1309 Southern Ginga Mr Damian Boland 715 1426
14 1774 Wise Men and Baby J Mr Simon Thompson 702 1361
15 1802 Ambo Mr Gav Godkin 639 1358
16 1871 2 Hell & Back Mr Jayson Clarke 634 1351
17 1927 Randwicks Racers Mr Dom Aungles 623 1343
18 2039 Que Cera Cera Other Mc Diesel 499 1329
19 2052 As and 9s Mr patrick Chivers 600 1328
19 2053 THE GTE EXPRESS Mr Stephen Terracini 504 1328
21 2102 The Effin Seas Mr Adrian CRAFT 564 1323
22 2175 House Of Heroes Mr Scott Payne 623 1314
23 2589 Yetis Legends Mr Ian Mongan 581 1272
24 3715 Morning Glories Mr Chris Wilson 466 1160
25 3918 QUONrejects Ian Barges 588 1139
26 5161 A Firey Bunch of BLD's Mr Jeffrey Dau 304 1019
27 6957 Bones Boulevardiers Mr Nathan Spillane 214 828
28 8318 Cuddles Mr Greg Hoitink 316 625
And, the better halves!
2 Manager profile = Lame Ms Simone Dilkara 811 1999
178 Brookies Beauties Ms Brooke Niven 662 1688
4804 Hammertime Kate Vandenberg 408 1055
5187 Mrs Mongos Monsters Mrs Melissa Mongan 467 1017
Through dance; the world is a better place!

My mobile records show a million calls to QUON members over the weekend.
My excitement of being crowned "Melbourne's Most Amazing Dancer" was overwhelming and I could not hide my emotions. I apologise for any inconvenience or distress it may of caused.
However, I am pleased to report that through dance - Melbourne is now a safer city.
And Smuthy, I look forward to sharing in your wealth.
26 July 2009
Cadel, learn to SHARE!
Plenty of laughs in the room last night, hey Cadel? Anyway back to the update, Br Mouldy moved himself into 3rd last night, for how long is anyone's guess(oh maybe today). Clarkey put himself in the mix for a top10 placing, but may have left his run too late.
It would seem however that Mr Smith is in the box seat for the win, with KC having TT specialists in his initial team. KC should hold on to 2nd, but you can throw a blanket over the rest. Positions 3-10, the only positions that matter for QM points, will be determined on the Champs-Élysées tonight. It may well come down to someone who has kept a sprinter or two in the mix through the mountain stages, but will more than likely come down to the final standing position points.
Tomorrow morning will reveal all.
Good luck to Simone, you are one cycle savvy chick.
25 July 2009
24 July 2009
Time to concede Mr Smith?
LBF extended his lead last night, not by much, but it all counts. Almighty used his double points and has moved himself up the standings, but probably not as much as he would have liked.
The two teams looking ever so dangerous are Br Mauldys Marauders & the Maillot Jaune Major, Br Mauldys keeper and trail jayzer are also in the mix. They will be hoping for the big hitters to come up trumps on Ventoux. Tonights stage could have a small say on the standings, it will need a roughie to stay clear. Smithy, Moncoots will surely be in the break, do you have him?
It would seem BIGDOG has lost his bark, and that fella who lives half way between here and the bay, are well and truly out of the running.
There are a handful of teams outside the top10 who could make a move with a big play on Mt Ventoux., they are 2 Hell & Back, Southern Ginga, Ambo and House of Hereos.
All the rest of you are shit, with Cuddles owned by Mr Hoitink having no idea at all. If I was his sponsor, I would be WORRIED!
Muchas Gracias
Senyor TW
23 July 2009
Jens required to pay damages

French government officials have advised Team Saxo Bank that they are liable for the cost of damage caused to the road when Jens Voigt crashed. Team QUON has been given photos of the road taken only seconds after Jens hit it. It seems that Jens is the toughest substance known to man. Team QUON thinks the French Government should be thankful that Jens hit the pavement with his face and not his legs - the damage would have been irrepairable had that happened!
Stage17 - LBF in Control, and double points sky rocket a few!!
Once again most of the top10-15players in the league had a hand full of top ten riders. It was a massive stage for team QUON, everyone jumped up the overall leader board. Rads, had the first three riders across the line, pity it was not your double points!!
The BIG mover was Yetis Legends, Mongo moved himself from 3193 to 1495 last night, with a nice double point play. Yours truly scored the most points for the night with his double point play and in doing so moved into z top5, not counting those with two teams!!.
There are still a number of teams to use their double points, the people to gain the most being Pimp my Team opting for tonight's ITT. Saturday nights ascent of MtV (Pysie, did I tell you I've climbed MtV) sees Mouldys Marauders, 110RPM, Maillot Jaune Major and teamtrailjayzer gunning for the top5.
For us that have used our double points we can only hope a big escape group go clear, yes this looks highly UNLIKELY based on last nights antics.
The competition is far from over.
22 July 2009
Jens Down!

As everyone saw, last night the big German unit went down hard. Luckily, he has Scotty Rocks on speed dial and had a quick chat with the Hoskinstown publican. Scotty revealed to the QUON today that:
21 July 2009
RANDWICK set to amaze the QUON
"I am not ready just yet; but soon" he was overheard telling Bigdog whilst running around the lake this morning."When my nipple rings crust over and butt crack stops hurting, I will be screaming it loud from the top of Pysie's Subaru."
Bigdog, showing the leadership traits which he was taught before he was kicked out of the Navy, took the young mans hand and showed him the way when he passed the toilets at Yarramundi Reach.
This is where Br Mouldy and Wombats Brother passed on their encouragement and the traditional nude-group-hug.
Long live the gay community within the QUON......I think.
20 July 2009
17 July 2009
Team QUON Announces Pace Car for Shambles (TM)
Blocker follows Smithy and blows his GUJ

Preston; happy that the mountains have returned!

16 July 2009
Team Quon Expands in to Panama

15 July 2009
Thank You Dr Nick

Boonen Praises New Training Partner

Tom Boonen revealed today in a press conference the reasons for his unprecedented form in the Tour de France this year.
"Hulloooo, yes I have hooked up with zee new training partner. We are doing zee A grade miles, zee moto-pacing, dressing on zee left, and building up to zee 7 to 7 efforts. I am zee Belgium frites eater you know, so had heard of zee 6 day races, but had no idea what zee 7 to 7 effort or zee pinger vus. It has all taken zee fitness to zee new level."
Tonii refused to comment. But has been heard to say the word 'zee' a hell of a lot recently.
All hail Paul Smith

All hail Paul Smith, he is undoubtedly the finest Fantasy TDF QUONer of
all time. He picks up a RaboPlus Cycling Pack worth $168, it includes a
short-sleeved jersey, helmet and a pair of cycling gloves. He'll need
them sometime in 2010 when he can ride a bike again!
Smups pick of Danilo proved not all is well with his head space though,
another caught out was Wayneo who followed Smups footsteps.......
Plenty of movement on the ladder, Boland v Johnson v Radnell (I have
seen Sonny's boobs you know) are on the up. BIGDOG, Preston, Randwick
and other McD appear to be on the slide, BIGDOG however has trades up
his sleeve (he won't use them though, remember he doesn't ride bikes and
doesn't give a shit, but he put in a team anyway!!).
Pysie plays his double points tonight, if the finish is anything like
last night he'll be in the points big time.
With more flat stages to come, and plenty of double points in hand there
is bound to be a major shake up in the standings.
Life sucks when you have traded out all of your sprinters!
14 July 2009
Gaydel Evans' Lovers & Rads Falls out of Love

The list below outlines those people in the QUON who are poofs. i.e they have Evans the whinger on their team.
1) Brookies Beauties (Has to be gay if she is marrying the lady bum)
2) Scott QAOM Preston (The QUON's number one poof)
3) Other McDiesel (whoever the fuck you are, you are gay too)
4) Patty 'Blocker Roach' Shivvers a lot. (what a poof. haven't seen him since his one ride to coffee after the shambles and now he picks up Evans. Definitely gay)
5) Ian (who are you?)Bargearse - don't ride, pick Cadel. Gay.
6) Mel 'hats off' Moogan. Mongo would turn most people gay. She has taken it to another level by picking Evans.
7) Josh 'Tonii stomps' Quillam. Pretends he isn't gay, but we all know he is. Evidenced by picking Evans in this competition.
This on the back of reports that Dodger finally made public his obvious better friendship with the ROCK! The ROCK likes to eat scones if you all didn't know.
Congrats also to the following retards who haven't scored a point:
Vinne, Spud, Uli, Terra and Toni...Even baby boomers like Preston and Rock are beating you. Be ashamed, be very ashamed.
Rant Over.
Big Dog
Smithy Leads

Rest Day
Hmm there appears to be a few gremlins in the standings, but the positions are ok.
Still plenty of time to catch Smithy, remembering he has used his double points. The next 5 or so stages are for the Sprinters, who has made some trades? Then we hit the Alps, with all the teams promising to take it up to Astana!!
Remember 9am AEST is trade cut off.
13 July 2009
Announcement from Trevor: Elders Conceed

Jens inspires the QUON....again!

10 July 2009
Stage 5 results v todays results, bring on them mountains!
45 LBFs Legion Mr Casey Guthrie 494 494
48 globules rouges Mr Wayne Spratford 491 491
217 Manager profile = Lame Ms Simone Dilkara 429 429
288 The Effin Seas Mr Adrian CRAFT 415 415
348 Que Cera Cera Other Mc Diesel 404 404
493 Brookies Beauties Ms Brooke Niven 382 382
710 Piece of Pyes Mr Jason Pye 361 361
881 110RPM Mr Simon Johnson 346 346
1006 Randwicks Racers Mr Dom Aungles 335 335
1020 Mouldys Marauders Mr Cameron Boland 334 334
1453 team trailjayzer Mr Jay Reid 306 306
1458 Maillot Jaune Mayor Mr Shane Radnell 305 305
1702 A Firey Bunch of BLD's Mr Jeffrey Dau 290 290
1843 THE GTE EXPRESS Mr Stephen Terracini 283 283
1955 House Of Heroes Mr Scott Payne 278 278
1960 Who is Trevor Wallet? Mr Travis Hicks 277 277
1994 Morning Glories Mr Chris Wilson 276 276
2136 Wise Men and Baby J Mr Simon Thompson 271 271
2206 2 Hell & Back Mr Jayson Clarke 268 268
2230 Pimp my Team Mr Bruce Norton 267 267
2697 Ambo Mr Gav Godkin 249 249
2834 Go, Go, EPO Mr Jesse Featonby 243 243
2969 Bones Boulevardiers Mr Nathan Spillane 240 240
3198 Yetis Legends Mr Ian Mongan 231 231
4451 As and 9s Mr patrick Chivers 185 185
4444 Southern Ginga Mr Damian Boland 185 185
5769 Hammertime Kate Vandenberg 135 135
6137 QUONrejects Ian Barges 120 120
6611 Mrs Mongos Monsters Mrs Melissa Mongan 99 99
7486 Cuddles Mr Greg Hoitink 52 52
09 July 2009
TDF Stage5 - I don't ride bikes Jayson!

The best of the Rest is Ms Simone Dilkara, otherwise known as Smups back up team! Her team like Mr Pizzles two teams has not used the bonus stage yet, how is that law suit going? At the moment these seem the likely teams to dethroning Smup at the top. BIGDOG and Preston have a fight on their hands (again), BIGDOG is on top at the moment with plenty of trades up his sleeve. Having said that he is not a cyclist (I don't ride bikes Jayson) and this ultimately might be his undoing.
The 250-350 pointers are joss ling to stay in the top 10, most everyone had a few of the following in their team last night - Cav, Farrar, Ciolek, Friere, Kruz. Only one more flat stage and we hit the Alps, who has trades in hand?
SBS listens to Trevor Wallet
07 July 2009
No no no no no
Eurosport in charge, Globules consistent and LBF waiting to strike.

Smithy is now sitting 5th overall and in the running for 2k, which he
has promised to donate to the Christmas Shambles, he could be the
Greatest QM ever!! Wayneo was almost as concerned as Pysie yesterday,
but didn't jump and has reaped the benefits, he too has his eyes on the
2k. Now what's that little Little Black Fella been up to, watching the
Sopranos I think not, personally I think he's been sitting at the study
desk and might well have the pick of the teams.
Preston has somewhat justified his dropping of Cancellara for Hushovd,
lets face it we all want everyone in our teams, and sometimes it just
ain't going to work - how's that Scotty? BIGDOG is gaining some
momentum, but one would think as a non-cyclist ( I don't ride bikes
Jason) his time at the top won't last.
So who will be brave enough to trade Armstrong or Martin into their
teams in the hope of a yellow jersey, and who do you get rid of to get
them in? One needs to remember there is still two flat stages and a hill
top finish before the next allocation of trades.
Ohh and my team is up the shit
06 July 2009
Skating on thin ice

The QUON's 8 steps to happiness speaks of participation in QUON events. I have only just finished re-reading the rules and I am pretty confident that the steps needed to move from QUON Rookie a fully fledged Brother of the QUON means that participation in events; like the TDF tipping comp; would be a must for any QUONabee.
Robbo; you have previously been cautioned. Please help us locate your name in the TDF ranking? Benny says it is a trident friendly event, so please explain why you are too busy to get involved?

Matthew Shippa, whilst lyrca and bib and brace knicks may not feature on the mannequins in your cloths store, a rookie mistake is to miss this event. Speaking to your sponsor last night, he said to pull your socks up; Scotty rocks says pull your designer undies up; and Wayneo says f&*ck right off.

Jesse is now a friend, albeit a good friend of mine. Lately somethings changed, it ain't hard to define, Jesse is being a QUONer and that makes him alright! (for the moment). It is good to see you amongst us my friend!
To the brother of wombat, we love your banter, we love your contribution. You only have to convince your sponsor to back you in and put your name up, and who knows, in the eyes of the QUON, one day you may even step outside your brothers shadow!

July is a wonderful month. If you can't get excited this time of year; piss off; the QUON does not want you!
The QUONtroversy starts

It would seem the SBS Tour competition is being run by an overseas provider (did someone say INDIAN). They appear to have no idea how to implement the competition rules, but don't fear boys as the QUON's very own Pizzle Pye is on top of things. Currently locked away in his office, he is conducting his own AUDIT on the results and hopes to update us with the real standings soon. There are two certainties though, BIGDOG won't be leading, and ROCKS won't have Cancellara.
04 July 2009
Worst Shambles Ever Lands QM in Hospital!

The worst Shambles ever was completed with the current QM putting himself in hospital with a fracture dislocation of the ankle. QM Smuppy (pictured above just after the fall) proved beyond a doubt that storm water drains are for drainage and not for cycling. The rest of Team Quon wishes the QM a speedy recovery and convalescence in the Princess Castle.