So another TDF done and dusted. Well done to KC on his win, he now has $50
to spend at any QUON establishment/establishments over the month of August.
It was a close contest between Br Smuppy and Br LBF the whole may, the
better man came through though! Cammy Boland was a surprise third, he
was in the top10 from the start and clawed his way to the final podium
position over the last few stages. Wayneo, was the man who fell out of
the 3, his time in Melbourne with Scotty Rocks possibly costing him.
Then again, the buffer between third and fourth was quite substantial.
Fifth went to Shane Rogers, who even dropped his brother Mick, much to
the disgust of the other brothers. Brother Pizzle and myself tied for
6th, funnily enough it was he and I who were a bit dumb founded by the
rules, and made some hastily and unnecessary changes, perhaps we will be
wiser for it next year!! 8th went to the GIRO comp winner Br Almighty,
showing yet again he's a force to be reckoned with in these type of
competitions. 9th went to trail jayzer, he was lurking the whole
tournament but never quite packed the punch required. And finally
rounding out the top10 came the first QUONabee, Br Mouldy's keeper. But
I think Cam will say most importantly he has bragging rights for a year.
There was plenty who made charges at various points of the competition,
but only Smuppy and KC ever looked like winning. Some placed a team at
the start and didn't trade again, others had spreads sheets, but most
importantly it was great to see over 30 QUONers getting a team together.
We should not forget the other half dozen or more who couldn't quite
understand the rules, therefore not eligible to score. On that note Br
Tonii had a very promising team or two, maybe next year Tonii.
The Lanterne Rouge was Mr Hoitink, brother of Susie? So all in all, thumbs
up to the SBS comp I think, unless others think OZTIPs is the GO next year.
Big thanks to all QUON mini-leaguers and especially Trav for running this. I had a great time ploughing through websites and magazines trying to crack the TDF code, even though I stank it up in the third week. I was sure I had Cam in my pocket!
Next time, I'm outsourcing this to the first University Medal winner I can find. I think I might call someone I know at LaTrobe...
"You're" Trevor, not "your".
what ever, it's late, good night.
Br Almighty didn't win the GIRO comp...
First QUONer from memory!
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