The QUON's 8 steps to happiness speaks of participation in QUON events. I have only just finished re-reading the rules and I am pretty confident that the steps needed to move from QUON Rookie a fully fledged Brother of the QUON means that participation in events; like the TDF tipping comp; would be a must for any QUONabee.
Robbo; you have previously been cautioned. Please help us locate your name in the TDF ranking? Benny says it is a trident friendly event, so please explain why you are too busy to get involved?

Matthew Shippa, whilst lyrca and bib and brace knicks may not feature on the mannequins in your cloths store, a rookie mistake is to miss this event. Speaking to your sponsor last night, he said to pull your socks up; Scotty rocks says pull your designer undies up; and Wayneo says f&*ck right off.

Jesse is now a friend, albeit a good friend of mine. Lately somethings changed, it ain't hard to define, Jesse is being a QUONer and that makes him alright! (for the moment). It is good to see you amongst us my friend!
To the brother of wombat, we love your banter, we love your contribution. You only have to convince your sponsor to back you in and put your name up, and who knows, in the eyes of the QUON, one day you may even step outside your brothers shadow!

July is a wonderful month. If you can't get excited this time of year; piss off; the QUON does not want you!
judging by the the most recent pic of my brother on the blog (if the QUON had one)that's a mighty big shadow to get out of!
yes it is.
First you need your sponsor to put you up. The Elders are yet to see your name on the agenda.
Are you man enough, or is your sisters husband concerned.
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