Team QUON is pleased to hear that QM Paul Smith has recovered successfully from his operation. His smashed cankle was operated on by the best upper arm specialist that private health insurance can buy. We all look forward to Muppi getting back on his brand new hand-cranked bike once his TDF tipping delirium is all wrapped up.
Smuthy's upper arms work quite well, and I am surprised that the surgeon was selected. When I shared a bath with Smithy in south Africa, his arms CRANKED awesome!
Well if it isn't my old friend Mr Mcreg. With a leg for an arm, and an arm for a leg!
Bigdog - I'm glad you enjoyed it, it's called a dutch rudder you know.
Scientists used to believe that diamond was the world’s hardest substance. But then they met Jens Voigt.
Jens Voigt doesn’t read books. He simply attacks until the books relent and tell him everything he wants to know.
Jens doesn’t spin or mash the pedals… he kicks them into submission.
Jens’ testicles are bald because hair does not grow on a mixture of titanium, brass, steel, and cold, hard granite.
If Jens Voigt was a country, his principle exports would be Pain, Suffering, and Agony.
If Jens Voigt was a planet, he’d be the World of Hurt.
Jens Voigt doesn’t know where you live, but he knows exactly where you will die.
Jens Voigt counted to infinity - twice.
Jens Voigt doesn’t have a shadow because he dropped it repeatedly until it retired, climbing into the SaxoBank team car and claiming a stomach ailment.
Jens Voigt once challenged Lance Armstrong to a “who has more testicles” contest. Jens won… by five.
When you open a can of whoop-ass, Jens Voigt jumps out and attacks.
You are what you eat. Jens Voigt eats men’s souls, and downs it with a tall cool glass of The Milk of Human Suffering.
The first time man split the atom was when the atom tried to hold Jens Voigt’s wheel, but cracked.
Jens Voigt doesn’t complain about what suffering does to him… but suffering constantly complains about getting picked on by Jens Voigt.
Jens Voigt rides so fast during attacks, that he could circle the globe, hold his own wheel, and ride in his own draft. At least as long as he didn’t try to drop himself.
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