10 December 2013

Another rare fauna find in the ACT

Recently an albino kangaroo was discovered alive and well roaming the ACT parks, the rarity of such a find cannot be overstated.

But in breaking news it now appears an even rarer species has been discovered: The Redheaded Prodigal Sheep, latin name prodigus ovium

It is also reported that NASA have sought out the Redheaded Prodigal Sheep's former QUON kit so that NASA engineers can replicate its fire proof properties to replace the ageing and now superceded flame retardant tiles on the Space Shuttles.

The QUON gingas welcome the bolstering of their ranks.

The vaunted Halvski review is producing results and far from cutting out deadwood has found formerly lost sheep. Unbelievable.

And Mongo.

02 December 2013

QUONAB words of GFD's gone past.

My new brothers are great with wing men a plenty
The QUON pushed up my hit rate with quality quite fine, be it Randwick, Kaino Bruce Almighty or Flynny.
Some times even Uber hahaha now that’s just plain silly
It was Halvo most times before he got whipped
That would stand at the bar and say to a Joice - Daddy's got you just have one sip.

But there was one time when Uber was there,
It was Bruice and Kaino we were having a good stare,
at a few fine Joices at the top of the Stair.
Kaino had his tattoos out he was winning her over,
then Uber piped in Moshy go grab her while you're still a bit sober,
I thought no way how could I do it? Kaino’s a brother a man I love and respect, then he got out his shit tatt and the game was all over.
Joicie left with me and Randwick went home sober.